Fenton Works

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" I think that's everything mom!" I groan as I set the last box down. Me and my Mom had just moved to a place called Amity Park. Luckily this place isn't as small and secluded as the last place we were living at. There wasn't anyone to be seen for a few miles but this place was different. One of the next door neighbors had a normal looking house except on top it had a giant machine with an antenna sticking out of it. It was weird, they're probably some kind of scientist.
I sped down the stairs looking at the livingroom set up. It had some decor from our previous house and some that was new. Suddenly we both herd a knock at the door so I decided to answer it. " Hello, I'm Madeline and this is Jack, Jazz, and Daniel Fenton. Welcome to the neighborhood!" A ginger haired woman exclaimed and handed me a tray with ghost shaped cookies. " Oh wow thanks, I'm Y/N L/N..." I introduced myself and grabbed the tray. I walked in and the family trailed behind me. " You must be Amelia, it's a pleasure to meet you!" Mrs. Fenton said as she gave my mom a hug. Mr. Fenton shook her hand. I looked at the two siblings. The female was a bit taller that me and had ginger hair like her mother. The boy had black hair and bags under her eyes. Jazz attempted to start a conversation with me about why we moved. " Sorry about my parents ecstatic personalities, I'm Jazz, the only sane one in the family. " She chuckled a bit. A smiled trying to be nice but our conversation wasn't that interesting. Daniel was leaning against the wall falling alseep but he snapped out of it and stared at me for awhile. " Well thanks for inviting us in, we have to go now it's getting late, buh bye!" They announced and left one bye one with Daniel being last. That family gave you a weird feeling. They were a little too friendly or something. You just couldn't put your tongue on it.


I held my Pda tight in my my hand as I walked to my new school called Casper High. It wasn't far at all but I wish my mom would've drove me. This was a new place but adleast it's light out. As I walked up to the building I adjusted my arm warmers and pulled down my dress. " Hey newbie, I'm Paulina. What's your name?" A random girl questioned me. " Uh Y/N..." I told her awkwardly. " Aww what a pretty name, also love your fit. Lemme see your Pda, I wanna add my number. " Paulina told me quickly. I handed it to her with a small smile as she handed it back. " OK so we can be friends now, I'll introduce you do my other friends!" She said and grabbed my arm, leading a classroom. " Guys, I want you to meet the new girl, Y/N. " She introduced me to the group. They stared at me with blank expressions for a few seconds but then they perked up and smiled. " I'm Star, and I love going to the beach and stuff. ", " I'm Dash, head quarterback on the football team her at Casper High." " I'm Valerie and I love styling hair. " " Hi, I'm  Kwan, I'm also on the football team. " He said with a wave. They sat me down and we talked until class started. I didn't even notice when the teacher walked in. " Hmmm..." The teacher humed and raised a brow at me. He cleared his throat before speaking, " There is a new student in our class. Her name is Y/N L/N and I want you all to happily welcome her. " He said with a stern look as all eyes shifted on me. " Teachers right? So inconsiderate. " Paulina giggled.


The class eventually ended and I walked out with my new group of friends. " I am like so happy we're friends now Senorita, it was like my whole purpose was to make sure you weren't lonely today!" Paulina said while hugging me. As she let go we continued walking to her locker. I looked out the corner of my eye and saw a group of 3 people, one of them being Daniel Fenton from yesterday. I had no idea he went here but I guess it would make since because it is the closest school. " Who are they over there?" I questioned her and tilted my head towards them. " Oh, just the biggest geeks in the whole school. And can you belive her? She looks like she's going to a funeral!" Paulina said while pointing to her mouth like she might gag. The 3 must've took account to this because they began to walk up to us with a face that looked slightly pissed. " What do you want Paulina?" The girl with all black on asked. " Nothing Samantha, I just was telling Y/N here about you guys." Paulina shrugged. I could see Daniel looking at me with a face of pity. " Hey girl." A guy with a red hat said with a smirk. " Leave her alone Tucker, stop being so weird. " Samantha  said with a sigh, pulling the boys away. " Those geeks are like, so weird. " Paulina told me as we walked to the lunch room...


Thats the end of this one. I hope you all enjoyed! Until next time---

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