Sticky Situations

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It's almost summer break, an entire month without annoying people where I can do whatever I like.

Another day of school was already underway and I planned to avoid as many people as possible. (Planned to).

"Hey Saiki, do you have a minute?" Kaidou asked as he and Kuboyasu approached my desk.

Oh great, nuisance number two and eight. Oh well, I guess I should hear them out.

"Do you wanna get motor cycle licenses with us over the summer break?"

"C'mon! Lets get one together!" Kuboyasu added, both of their excitement radiating brightly.

Never mind, I'm done listening.

Kaidou and Kuboyasu seemed really eager to get one, but when would they actually use them? Not to mention I was determined to have the entire month free to myself. Despite their enthusiasm, I declined their offer with the excuse that I didn't have the money. It wasn't exactly a lie either.

"Ah, that's too bad, but I guess they do cost quite a lot", Kuboyasu admitted, walking off with Kaidou as they sauntered back to their desks.

Phew, I managed to save my vacation. Ah never mind, another nuisance approaches.

"Saiki-kun! Do you want to work with me over the break? It's a little far but if there aren't enough participants then it will get cancelled", Mera explained, placing her hands together in a pleading gesture. "It's only a week long and all you have to do is take these strange pills given by the researchers!"

You're kidding right? That doesn't sound suspicious at all. And besides, any tests they conduct might result in them finding out about my psychic powers, so no. I'll just tell her that it's too far from home.

In the end she understood and said that she can always find someone else. Thankfully I was also able to avoid that situation.

An entire week taken from my precious time off? No thanks.

Lunch time had begun and after having my bento in the cafeteria, I headed through the school halls and leant against the frame of an open window. It overlooked the front of the school and provided a nice breeze on this warm day. It would've been a peaceful moment if a fiery red-head with an explosive personality didn't interrupt it.

"Oh, Saiki! I was just looking for you!" Nuisance number three hollered. I looked over and he seemed too determined to ignore. "Do you want to join out team's training camp over the summer? A member cancelled and we don't want to waste the money, so what do you say?"

Why would I purposefully want to be tired? Hmm, how can I get out of this one? Oh yeah, I'm technically still a member of the stupid occult club that Toritsuka created, so I can say that I'll be busy with that.

Hairo seemed a little down at my answer when he excused himself. I would've felt bad too if the purple haired idiot Toritsuka hadn't appeared in a crazed state, screaming my name down the hall as he ran up to me. I wasn't surprised when he asked me to go to the occult club training camp. Toritsuka's main reasoning behind it was so I could help him get with the creepy girl from the club. I didn't even have an excuse to get out of it, but I'm simply just not going to go.

"Oi, Saiki!!!" he called after me, but his call fell upon deaf ears.

I thought I was out of the deep end by now, but there was still a way for this to get worse, and of course with my luck, it happened.

"Hmm, I can't find Saiki" , I heard coming from Teruhashi's thoughts. She was nuisance number four and the most dangerous of all. "Gosh, where did he go? I need to give him this before summer break starts".

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