Okinawa pt 2: A Little Accident

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Saiki's POV

I followed the trail of students off of the bus and we gathered into our groups outside to go and have lunch at a local soba shop. I sat at the edge of the the table across from Y/N and beside Yumehara so as to avoid Teruhashi and Nendou. However right now it was Kaidou that was being a nuisance.

Good grief, ever since Teruhashi complimented him for his Okinawan words he won't stop.

We all tried to hide our annoyance except for Y/N who was secretly giggling behind her hand, trying not to choke on her food. 
Once finished, we headed out to the street market where we passed a shop advertising something that was obviously a scam, and the girls all seemed averse to the idea, I aswell.

"Hey we still have some time left, do you guys want to look at some souvenirs?" Y/N asked, running off with the girls.

Honestly with how much Nendou and Kaidou are eyeing up this shady place I'd be better off going with the girls as well.

However once I saw the attention Teruhashi was attracting I decided against it and entered the suspicious building. Did I regret it? Yes. It was a huge let down and Kaidou is currently being conned into buy a bunch of useless merchandise, so I slipped out of the shop and looked for the others. Teruhashi and Yumehara were busy looking at a clothes stall but Y/N was nowhere to be found. Walking around a bit, I was glad to have left the two weirdos earlier as it was nice to be walking down the streets alone. Soon a familiar figure came into view who was window shopping all of the market stalls and stopped in front of one with pineapple samples. Next thing I knew I was walking over to her.

Should I ask her about what happened on the plane?

"Ah Saiki! Here, try one they're amazing", she said, handing me a toothpick with a pineapple piece on top. "Oh, where did Kaidou and the others go?"

Shrugging, I ate the fruit piece and decided to save the question for later, too many people were around and this didn't feel like the right time.

"Hmm, I guess it's time to go to the hotel now right? Wanna head over there?"

If she knows then why does she act so normal?

I sighed and just dropped the subject for now, heading over to the hotel with her in a mutual silence.


"Everyone! Dinner starts at 6 so please be in the dining hall on the first floor by then. Each class also has 20 minutes to take baths. After that, you have free time but you can't leave the hotel", Hairo instructed as we disbanded to our rooms.

I just want to relax for the rest of the day

Sadly though, I was with Takahashi's group who weren't too fond of us at the moment for having Teruhashi in our group. At least there weren't any bugs in the room.

6pm came around fast and the dining hall was full of lively students eating, talking and providing entertainment on the little stage near the front.

"So tomorrow we're visiting the pineapple farm and after that we can go to the famous aquarium!" Yumehara squealed with excitement.

"So much has happened already that it feels like it will all be over soon", Y/N added.

"The trip has only just begun Y/N don't worry, also shall we go take baths now?" Said Teruhashi with a wink which brightened Y/N's mood.

I watched Y/N shove the rest of her rice in her mouth before they got up and left the hall, but as they did I noticed Takahashi and friends subtly nod to each other and get up to follow after them.

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