The Sweetest Gang Member

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The class was in a craze upon hearing the news of receiving another addition to the class. Well, the girls were, the boys lost interest when they heard it wasn't going to be a girl and resumed talking about everyday mundane things.

No matter who it might be, I was really excited to discover who they were and I made it my goal to become friends with them. I guess it was just me knowing what it felt like to be the new kid and wanting to make them feel comfortable, also I hadn't done much in the way of making many new friends lately. It's understandable though, students have already formed cliques and groups since the school year started months ago.

"Please be seated everyone, and I'll introduce you to the new student", sensei said before welcoming in the mystery person.

The class waited in anticipation as the door slid open, and in walked a boy with dark purple hair and glasses. I didn't quite know what to make of him as his expression was eerily neutral. He turned around to write his name on the chalkboard and I peeked at my fellow classmates only to see looks of uncertainty.
I looked at the board but because my kanji knowledge wasn't strong enough yet, I couldn't understand what his name was. 

Wait, is that what I think it is?

After his name, he had signed what was the English equivalent to "was here", that you'd often see tagged on buildings or on other vandalized objects. When the boy realized his mistake, he panicked and quickly dusted it off the board. "A-ah sorry! Old habbi- I mean, um. Forget I did that".

This however made the class brighten and muse at his strange antics. Most just assumed he was the comical type but it wasn't hard for me to tell that he was, or still is a delinquent. That didn't bother me one bit though, I'm good friends with Nendou so it can't be that different right?

Okay, I'm going to try and befriend him by the end of the day!


Let's just say it was easier said than done. Throughout the day I tried to approach him but he was always on the move. His aggressive past caused him to have trouble talking to and understanding people's actions which meant that whenever I saw him, he would be making a scene or trying to control his delinquent urges around others.

I can tell he's trying though....

School was over so soon, and so was my chance to talk to him. I didn't even get to say a single hello, and because of my efforts today, I barely spoke to or hung out with my own friends.

Hmm, I still might be able to catch him once school ends.

Deciding to try one last time, at the sound of the bell I piled all of my belongings from my desk into my bag as efficiently as possible. It was perhaps a little too fast as I heard one of my papers tear, but I'd worry about that later. I glanced at his desk near the back and groaned when I saw it empty.

How did he leave so fast?

I ignored the confused faces of my peers as I rushed out of class while simultaneously trying to zip my bag closed. Within a minute I descended all of the stairs, changed my shoes and crossed to the front of the school all while keeping an eye out for the guy. I waited by the school gates, assuming that I must've passed him as I didn't see him anywhere on the way.

Maybe he just went to the bathroom or something. Ugh, am I being overly creepy right now? It feels like borderline stalking....

I waited and waited, watching the many students pass through the school gates but there was still no sign of him.

Where the heck could he be? There was no way I could've missed him.

"Hey, you're that haafu from class three aren't ya?" A snarky voice spoke. It belonged to a male third year student whom I had never met before, and whose intentions came across as kinda unsettling.

Warm Souls (Saiki Kusuo x reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu