The Other Brother

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Thank you for being patient my wonderful readers! Exams are finally over so I'm back into the writing game!

Stay beautiful!

~ Love Author ^^


Y/N took the remaining days off school to recuperate, and every day her amazing friends brought over the day's school work for her so she wouldn't fall behind. Kaidou even offered to stay and teach her the things they learned but she politely refused saying that she didn't want to get him sick. Yumehara messaged her all the time, keeping her up on all the latest gossip Y/N missed out on, but she only received one text from Teruhashi. Y/N wasn't sure if she did anything wrong to upset her, so she'll have to talk to her when she goes back to school. The two have been more distant lately.

No matter how much uncle Kenji tried to stay and look after her, Y/N would scold him and make sure he didn't slack on his work. She knew how much of a procrastinator he was, and she assumed it ran in the family because she was just as hopeless.
The events of yesterday after the vending machine were blurry to her. All she really remembered was the feeling of someone else with her, and the only other person there was Saiki. Her face became flustered with the thought of him possibly carrying her to the nurses office, and she felt slightly embarrassed that she had put him through something so tedious, but was still grateful for his help and wanted to thank him later.

Before she knew it, the weekend arrived faster than you could say psychic. Meanwhile, at the Saiki residence, everyone was at the table eating a nice breakfast that the lovely Kurumi made. Saiki had just about returned to normal now and has been sleeping a lot better since resolving his little issue. Despite already accepting his feelings for Y/N, he still didn't exactly know what to do with them. Does he pursue them? Ignore them? He could never see himself in a relationship and didn't even know where to begin. It's probably unlikely though, she only seems to view him as a friend.

Good grief, even when you're not around, why do I still have to think about you?

Saiki's mother didn't fail to notice the soft expression on her son's face, and she only hoped it was because a certain girl they all knew. She didn't want to interfere with her son's possible love-life, but she couldn't help but want to nudge things on a little more too. Before her son could hear her thoughts, she spoke up. "Oh yeah, I've invited Y/N-chan around for dinner tonight, I hope that's fine with you both?"


"Of course! She can stay as long as she likes", Kuniharu agreed. "Hmm, maybe she'll help me with my robot again..."

"Oi, she's not coming over just to help with your toys".

"But there's a bit I can't do! And none of you will help me", his father whined, to which Saiki and his mother just ignored and continued eating, leaving the man in a pouty mood.

Only seconds later did the phone suddenly ring.

"Ah, I'll get it!" Saiki's mother stated as she got up from the table. Saiki had no interest in who it was and returned to his breakfast. That was until Kurumi gasped in excitement. "Kusuke!? Oh its so good to hear from you! How have you been?"

Saiki paused mid-bite at the mention of his brother's name.

"Oi, hang up now befor-"

"Aaa, good news! Your brother is in town and wants to visit the shrine with us today!" Kurumi squealed in delight, another idea forming in her head. "Oh! We should invite Y/N-chan as well! I wonder if she knows about it?".

Warm Souls (Saiki Kusuo x reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum