Surprise at the Sports Festival

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I was so happy to have woken up at a normal time this morning, still early but nowhere near as bad as 3am. Lying in bed I thought over yesterday's events. My first day of school went so well and was already over. When I got home I told uncle Kenji all about it while I helped him with dinner, and I messaged my dad as well to give him the good news. It's a little difficult to properly stay in touch with him due to the large time difference, but we make sure to text as often as possible. I miss him and worry that he's devoting himself to his job. Sometimes I don't know if coming here was a good idea or not, but it's something I wanted and needed to do, and dad understood that.
With a little help from my uncle, my bento for the day was finished and I was ready to go and kick some ass at the sports festival.

Narrator's POV

Y/N blissfully walked down her street listening to her current favorite song. No one would know, but she was buzzing with the thought of participating in the school activities, even going as far as pre stretching and exercising before leaving the house.

Not too far behind her was a group of boys, two bickering with each other and the third trying to stay out of it and pretend he was invisible.

"Hey there's Kanzaki-san!", the blue haired one suddenly stated, quickening his pace to catch up with her, the others begrudgingly following suit. Kaidou tried calling out to her but his voice fell upon deaf ears covered by headphones.

Baka, don't disturb her

Not getting a response, he hesitantly tapped her shoulder causing the girl to flinch.

"Oh! Kaidou-kun, sorry I was a little spaced out", she giggled, sliding her headphones down behind her neck.

Now that the boy had her attention, he fumbled on his words.

"Crap what do I say what do I say what do I say"

Just say hi and be done with it

Noticing the other two walking up to them, the girl smiled, greeting them with a shy wave.

"Oh this is Saiki and that's Nendou", Kaidou mentioned, glad that his buddies came over to break his awkward interaction.

Saiki gave a nod in return and Nendou only stared at her with a blank look. It was though a light flicked on in his head when he realised who the girl was.

"Oh! You're the pretty foreign girl from yesterday!" he laughed, slapping her back a few times.

And I thought he couldn't get any more stupid....

"Oi you should walk with us", Nendou said bluntly, placing his arm around her shoulders and walking off with her giggling self.

"I like this guy", Saiki heard in her mind, the disturbing thought causing his eyes to widen.

You're kidding right?

The strange group continued to school together talking about what events they're good at and drawing a lot of attention to themselves. Saiki remained silent as usual but the entire time was trying to figure out why he couldn't hear much of the girl's thoughts. They would appear at times but then, nothing. It wasn't like her head was empty like his dimwitted friend's, he just had trouble accessing and reading the majority of them. Never before has he tried to read someone's mind.


The opening ceremony came to an end, and the students all dressed in gym clothes split into their class groups. Hairo, the class leader approached the excited girl and handed her the yellow head ribbon that signified she was competing for class 3. This boosted Y/N's excitement even further.

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