Okinawa pt 4: An Eventful Day

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"Kanzaki-saaaaaaaaan, wake up!"

I was forced out of sweet slumber by my two friends who were already up and ready to go. After last night's events, I snuck back into the building and tiptoed back to my room only to find that I couldn't sleep for another hour. The thoughts of what happened with Saiki, and Teruhashi, and the castle, and most of all, Saiki's abilities, they were all circling my mind and preventing me from sleeping until around 4am. Therefore, it wasn't surprising that waking up three hours later was absolutely dreadful.

"Crap, sorry guys, you can head down to the hall before me, I'm gonna freshen up a little", I said, yawning as they left, understanding that I must not have slept well.

Once I woke myself up with some cold water and got into my uniform, I made my way to the dining hall where breakfast was being served. Grabbing a plate and piling it up with food, I sat with the girls and decided to remain quiet to conserve some energy for the day. The blue haired girl across from me was also in a weird state. My guess is that she was thinking about that "dream" of hers last night, and according to Yumehara, Toritsuka who was undercover as Teruhashi, was doing some pretty uncharacteristic things. Another thing I noticed was that unlike me, the goddess didn't seem as affected by the lack of sleep. No droopy eyes with dark circles and no resting bitch face. After they left the room this morning I did my best to cover up the visible exhaustion with some simple make up, and thankfully it did the trick without me looking like a cake face.

The other person I was also thinking about was Saiki. Now that he knows about me knowing his secret and having gone through the events of last night, I wonder how he's going to act around me now.

Sure we may have been through some shit, and I said he could call me by my first name, but I still wouldn't even call us friends. Maybe acquaintances at most.

"Kanzaki-san, are you okay? You seem a bit quiet this morning", Teruhashi asked.

Yumehara looked over at me as well, "Yeah, and when we woke you up you had some pretty crazy eye bags".

"Aw thanks for worrying guys. I didn't sleep well so I'm probably just going to be a little tired today. And I know right? But luckily us girls have the power of make up", I joked, earning giggles from them.

"You should buy a coffee later to give you some energy! And besides, you don't wanna be tired when we go to the beach right?" The suggestive glint in Yumehara's eyes didn't surprise me as she was going on and on about the beach trip all morning.

"I can't wait to show off my new bikini!" she added, Teruhashi also rambling on about the one she recently bought and I smirked knowing who it was all for.

"Everyone! Once you've finished breakfast please make your way to the buses", Matsuzaki sensei instructed.

I shoved whatever was left on my plate into my mouth and headed out of the building with the girls to wait in line for the bus. "So, where are we going first again?".

"First is the pineapple farm then the aquarium, and after that is the Emerald beach!" Yumehara squealed.

On the bus I sat next to Kaidou and had a small nap while we were transported to the fruit farms. It was only about a 30 minute drive but I felt so much better afterwards, and Kaidou respected my wishes to rest so didn't say much and kept to his own company.

As we reached our destination everyone got into their groups of six and went to explore the home of Okinawa's pineapples.

"Your head kinda looks like a pineapple", Kaidou smirked as he taunted Nendou.

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