With a soft "click", Yun Xu fumbled for the button on the wall and turned it on. The wall trembled rumblingly, and dust fell down the room. Yun Xu picked up Ji Sha and pulled her into the secret room.

    The structure of the secret room is clear at a glance. There is only a floating screen in the empty room. Seeing the words displayed on the screen, she feels familiar for a while.

    "It's the archives of the experimental subjects." Ji Sha affirmed, the floating screen emits a bright blue light, illuminating the two of them, Ji Sha raised her hand to touch the screen, and the word [Whether to list] popped up in front of her eyes, and she chose [Yes]. .

    The method of invoking this file is the same as the various research she does on weekdays, so she does not have to work hard to use it.

    Looking at Ji Sha's movements, Yun Xu couldn't help but frown slightly: "Is the screen not encrypted?"

    "No." Ji Sha shook her head, and said that she successfully recalled all the files.

    In an instant, normal human faces appeared on the screen, densely covering the feature space. Most of them were teenage Omegas. The files contained identification and photos for comparison. Those were either The sunny or quiet children eventually turned into half-human, half-animal monsters, and their eyes changed from clear to gloomy and terrified

    ... This kind of provocation." Yun Xu stared at the slowly scrolling interface and said. People like Newsuren really don't take the laws of the Galactic Empire seriously.

    "Wait." Yun Xu suddenly raised his hand to signal Ji Sha to pause the scrolling interface, the flashing photos stopped, and there was a baby photo in the middle of the screen.

    There was a long silence in the secret room, Yun Xu and Ji Sha looked at each other silently, the baby in front of them was lively and cute, still smiling at the camera, but next to this photo, there was a face they were familiar with in the transformed photo.

    "If possible." Yun Xu murmured.

    Ji Sha clicked on the file: "He has been a test subject since he was so young? No wonder he is so difficult to adapt to the life of a normal person." The

    file week records Ruo Ke's experiments from childhood to adulthood, at first he was still a babbler The little ones did not undergo any surgery, but received psychological hints uninterruptedly. As they grew older, the transformation was carried out little by little. Ears and tails were transplanted, and pheromones were transformed to make them more likely to be affected by emotional tides after adult development. , training him as a pet dog, and making him obedient...

    In every photo, Ruo Ke was chained around his neck and kept in a dark cage like a domestic animal, perhaps because he was Brainwashed to be a puppy, so he didn't feel ashamed like others, and Ruo Ke's eyes in the photo are always shining.

    At the end of that file was a label: [Perfect Product]

    "Big words." Yun Xu's eyes were dark, and he felt angry. Those people dared to call Ruo Ke the perfect pet dog. Yun Xu thought of the first time he saw Ruo Ke, he was crawling and wagging his tail at the door, begging for a job and payment... It turned out to be just a star coin.

    He is obviously such an innocent and lovely boy.

    "Yun Xu, there are encrypted attachments in this file." Ji Sha interrupted Yun Xu's train of thought suddenly, and she quickly manipulated the screen with her fingers flying.

    After the great voyage of human beings marching towards the stars, all mankind has reached a unified consensus. For the permanent continuation of the fire of science, scientific research data in the entire star field have a unified code. Even if it is specially encrypted, the basic logic of the code cannot be bypassed. .

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