Chapter 16

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Chapter 16, Unexpected Passion

    Roy has a little trouble.

    According to the map, he had arrived at the place where the new weapon was dropped, but there was a python entrenched on the shotgun.

    The boa constrictor with four eyes on the top of its forehead was hissing and spitting out letters, and it was hard to get a shotgun in Lowe without it. Not only that, Roy's physical condition at this time also seemed to be a little bit wrong. The high-intensity battle caused his pheromone to surge, and his body, which was originally chilled due to blood loss, was becoming hotter and hotter bit by bit.

    Subconsciously, he pressed the swollen gland on the back of his neck, and clenched the dagger with his other hand. If you wait any longer, your condition will only get worse.

    Thinking this way, he suddenly turned the dagger and slammed it hard against the stone wall. There were two crisp clangs, and echoes echoed in the hollow grotto. The giant python was disturbed by it, and the four lantern-sized eyes finally looked at Roy.

    Come on, as long as it can get away from the shotgun, he has a chance!

    The giant python started to move, and the entire grotto trembled. Roy felt as if a mountain was pressing towards him. He stood on the ground, but he couldn't help himself as if he was caught in a huge wave. The symptoms of excessive blood loss began to counterattack. Turning black, at this moment the giant python's tail swept by, he couldn't dodge in time and was hit on the back, and immediately spit out a mouthful of blood.

    Instinctively, Roy inserted the dagger into the crevice of the rock, preventing himself from falling. He shook his head vigorously, and when he looked back, the boa constrictor that was rushing towards him had phantom shadows, and its four eyes turned into eight. Only, the hill-like head also turned into two.

    Roy didn't expect that his physical condition would be so bad. He had excellent combat skills, but he didn't have the physical strength to match it. This subtle feeling of disobedience flashed through his mind, making him stunned for a moment. .

    However, in a critical moment, there is no delay. At this moment, Luo Yi's waist suddenly tightened, and he was lifted up by the giant python!

    The boa constrictor opened its huge mouth, and a canyon was split in its skull like a hill, two fangs glowing with cold light bared out, and mucus dripped continuously from above.

    Seeing that the boa constrictor was about to wrap Luo Yi into his mouth, Luo Yi couldn't break free, so he could only throw the dagger forcefully, with a bang, the sharp dagger sank into the pupils of the boa constrictor's forehead, and the boa constrictor trembled violently due to the pain , The tail flicked wildly, and with a bang, Roy's tail curled up and hit the stone wall. Roy felt dizzy in his head, and his eyes went blank.

    Too bad, not only did the goal not be achieved, but it was also buried in the belly of the snake. Roy thought so before completely losing consciousness.

    However, at this moment, a red light broke in, the light was like a sharp blade, and immediately split the thick snake tail in two. The giant snake hissed wildly, and the end wrapped around Luoy fell powerlessly, and Luoy fell. It fell, but it happened to fall into someone's arms.

    The smell of absinthe spread throughout the entire grotto in an instant. Yun Xu glanced at the blood-stained Omega in his arms, looked at the struggling python with cold eyes, and raised his hand to shoot it. It's over for him.

    【This! Isn't this the third princess of the empire! ! ! ]

    [Why is she here? Did she also participate in the competition? impossible! ]

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