[Could it be a mistake? How dare a fox be this big? Will we be silenced if we continue to watch? ? ? 】

    The live barrage was in chaos. In Liwen's office, the communication line of the Iris Gang was almost overwhelmed. Countless inquiries came in, and even the younger brothers who were afraid of taking responsibility came to cry for the funeral.

    Li Wen was already in a state of desperation, and after dealing with some matters, he was so angry that he kicked over the short table.

    How did the three princesses get into that dangerous area? He has never provoked this honored guest from the main star of the empire, who exactly led her here?

    A bewitching mad woman with long red hair had already appeared in Li Wen's mind. He clenched his fists and said bitterly, "Mo Lan, is this the surprise you prepared for me?"

    Even the third princess dared to use it, She is indeed a madman!

    On the other side, Roy opened his eyes slightly in a daze, his eyes were dim, and there seemed to be a figure beside him. His whole body was in pain, and his back felt like it was being split open, and this feeling seemed familiar.

    Roy has a high tolerance for pain. Even though his clothes were soaked in blood from the various wounds all over his body, he didn't even groan. He seems to be very used to enduring these things, and getting hurt is commonplace for him .     Even in his drowsiness, Roy could vaguely recall some vague images, as if someone was tied up somewhere, and all kinds of painful punishments were imposed on him little by little...     What's going on? When did these images take place, and who is the person suffering the pain in the images?     He was awake intermittently, thinking blankly, felt a pair of hands turn him over, he was lying on the cool ground, someone lifted his shirt, the pain and heat were entangled and wreaked havoc in his body together, Who knows who dipped the ointment on the red, swollen and hot wound with the slightly cool fingertips, which was the place where the giant python's tail had drawn.     Yun Xu carefully applied the wound medicine he carried with him. There was no treatment chamber here, so he could only use this stupid method to relieve Luo Yi's injury.     The scar was long and terrifying, covered with bloodstains scraped by snake scales. Even with such a wound, he could stab the python in the eye. Yun Xuxin said that he really didn't know how Roy survived.     There are purple marks on his waist and legs from being strangled by snakes, and there are scratch marks on his arms, front and back, from fighting with unknown animals.     Against his fair skin, the wounds looked even more shocking.     Yun Xu tore off the cloth strips from his loose top, washed them in the dripping stream, and carefully took his hands. Luo Yi's palm was cut by a sharp knife, and the blood hadn't stopped yet. Looking at his pale lips, Yun Xu guessed that he had lost too much blood and had to hold on for a long time.     "Are you planning to torture yourself to death, and then make me lose everything?" Yun Xu couldn't agree with the fact that the Omega he bought was such a waste of his body. She wrapped the cloth strips in circles, put down Roy's clothes, and got up to find something to eat.     However, just as she let go, Roy suddenly jumped and grabbed her wrist with his backhand.

    The cloth that had just been wrapped was soaked with blood again. Roy must have exerted a lot of force. He was still dazed and couldn't open his eyes, but he instinctively didn't want to let her go.

    "Yunxu...is that you?" He asked hoarsely, turned his head, his face was flushed with tears in his eyes. His hands and feet were weak, and he couldn't support his body, so he simply rubbed over, his hot cheek pressed against the back of Yunxu's hand: "I seem to... smell your pheromone."

    ...This is purely a dream.

    Yunxu sniffed left and right to confirm that she definitely did not leak the pheromone again. She looked at Luo Yi with some amusement, and patted his face with the hand that was not caught: "Be sober, don't think that acting like a baby will make you feel better." Let me calm down."

    "Uh...what?" Roy seemed to be completely unconscious, the scent of peaches was so strong that it was choking, and the water in his eyes was faintly visible, showing some aggrieved expression in the chaotic state.     Like a cat attracted by dried fish, it will rub against Yunxu Luoyi wherever there is. When Luoyi burrows into Yunxu's arms again, Yunxu grabs his neck with his backhand and presses him to the ground.     "Cough cough!" Roy coughed, and seemed to be awake, with tears still in his eyes, but he was no longer as confused as before, he fixed his eyes on the woman who bent over and restrained him, and couldn't help opening his eyes wide: "It's you? Why are you here?"     【Yeah, why is she here? ] Roy's words spoke out the aspirations of all the audience. Everyone held their breath and stared at the live broadcast screen together.     The originally abnormally fierce fight between humans and animals seemed to have completely changed at this time. Even because of Yun Xu's knees against Luo Yi's chest, leaning over and pinching him, the scene became ambiguous and restricted. Li Wen, the desperate fox, didn't forget to add pink bubbles to the live broadcast when he was in a state of desperation.     His Highness Yunxu, one of the protagonists of the restricted screen, suppressed the anger in his heart at this moment, and asked in a deep voice: "I just want to know, why are you here? Who allowed you to run away from home? It's just because of your two hairs in the past three days. The body of love, are you going to let the alien beasts all over the place help you deal with it?"     "I...I brought inhibitors." Roy retorted.

    It seemed that he was completely unaware of his mistake of leaving without saying hello, Yun Xu snorted coldly: "Will it work?"

    She relaxed the force that held Luo Yi, her fingertips stroked the beating pulse between his neck, Yun Xu bowed her head in his He asked in his ear: "What if someone bullies you like this?"

    The moment the words fell, the strong breath of absinthe was finally released.

Princess Alpha is not close to O color [Female A Male O]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora