7 • the wEak and the strong

Start from the beginning

You look at Bomb, who is shaking in fear like some kind of wimp. You take a few moments to silently laugh at him and wonder how on earth someone could be such a weirdo. You then grab some random kitchen knife that conveniently is sitting here for no particular reason at all and obviously does not belong to Suitcase and Balloon for reasons unknown and most definitely wasn't stolen by you for your own personal reasons. Totally not. Not at all. Why would anyone think that? Ha... Ha...

Well, that's besides the matter. You grab the knife and hand it to the mysterious dude in the shadows. Within seconds, however, he is gone. Wow. That's superspeed if you've ever seen it. And you have. You're pretty fast, actually. You rub your hand and a stinging sensation moves throughout your finger. What the hell? You now recall the mysterious dude having a sharp object in his hand besides the knife. Weirdo. Why would he need the knife if he already had something sharp? Nobody knows, you guess.

Wait a second. His? No, this could have easily been a gal as easily as it could have been a guy. Or it could have been Paintbrush. You've heard a rumor about them coming out as non-binary, which is awesome, but you're not entirely sure if that's true yet. It kinda makes you feel sh#tty for calling them an unknown-gender freak, doesn't it?

Well, back on topic, that goofy dude could have easily been a gal like that annoying Salt or something, but honestly? You think it's OJ because of how weird he was acting recently. Plus, you didn't really get much info about him from Bomb or whatever the heck you expected because he stutters SO much that it's hard to remember what he says. Dude, he literally starts a sentence one minute and ends the sentence two minutes later. What a nerd. You close your eyes, deciding to get some rest, and sleep like you always forget to at night.

And, just to prove your pre-existing belief that the world is against you, the lights flicker back on, interrupting your sleep. You groan in annoyance. OJ had said something just now too but... Do you really care? No.

You stand and stretch. If there is no info on OJ's weirdo behavior, then you've got no work to do. Success. You also managed to force- well, not exactly force- Bomb to drink more alcohol, but it's too bad that he didn't get drunk like last time, that was funny. You sigh, turning to Bomb, and speaking roughly, "Alright, Bomb, since you couldn't inform me on OJ, I'm just gonna go-" You begin to leave when you feel a strong grip on your arm... Too strong. That is definitely not Bomb. He's way too weak. So then, who...

You turn around to see that it's... OJ? You cringe, "Ew, OJ, get your hand off of my arm..."

OJ sighs, "Right, Right," He pulls his hand away from you, "MePhone4 will be here any minute to give an announcement... be ready." OJ smiles and then turns on his heel, placing his hands behind his back and walking away.

You sigh, "He's acting so weird..." You walk away from that weird Bomb and you go towards the door, noticing that MePhone4 is already here. How early. You lean against the wall and wait...

Around ten minutes later, everyone is here, and MePhone4 begins his speech. "Now everyone is here! MePhone4? The speech?" OJ asks.

"Ah, yes, I wanted to announce a party... for the final four, and everyone is invited!" MePhone4 keeps rambling on... that's all you need to hear, so you tune out the rest. You head away from this area, deciding to take a walk outside, and totally no photography here. Haha... No photography at all! Who likes that nerdy stuff? Ha.. Ha..

You sure do. You're a photography nerd or whatever you like to call it. But you need to hide it. And why? Well, it's because you're not a wimp or nerd and nobody should see you as weak, because then, people can bully you. So this is like, a preemptive strike. Don't let them know, and therefore don't get bullied. You're glad nobody knows about this passion of yours.

i need you - an inanimate insanity auWhere stories live. Discover now