~^ The Devil ^~

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8:30 PM

Still Flashback

You open your eyes to see yourself laying on Bob. His eyes were shut, and his grin remained on his face. It looked darker outside. You must have fallen asleep. "Hm no matter." You think to yourself, laying your head back down, and sealing your eyes shut. .......

You heard footsteps. You open your eyes to see Bob walking towards the door. He had a devil costume on. He had a dark red turtleneck sweater as well. "Bobby?" You ask, rubbing your eyes. He walks over and kneels down in front of you. "Yeah it's me. I'll be right back, hun. I promise." He says, looking into your sparkly eyes. He put your head in his hand, and rubbed your cheek with his thumb before he walked off. "Okay." You say, waving him goodbye as he waves to you back, walking out the door. "Why did he have a devil costume on?" You say to yourself. You grab his remote, and turn on the TV. The news turns on. Well might as well watch the plain news, you didn't know how to change channels anyway. "Breakin' News! A young girl by the name (Y/N) has gone missing! Last time seen was by the .... school. Please call ...... if you see this girl." A reporter says. A picture of you fades onto the screen. "I'm famous!" You say, pointing to the screen. You recognize the number. It was your mom's. "The only suspect we have is the cook Bob Velseb that cooks at Boys and Grills. They both disappeared at the same time, and (Y/N) was his only customer. Call 911 if you see this man." He continues saying, showing a picture of Bob. This was before he was a well known serial killer. You couldn't make out his last name at the time, nor did you hear it. You just kinda looked away at just the right moment not to catch it. You yawned. You looked at the time. It was 8:30. Man you slept for a long time! You leaned back, and looked at the TV. You heard footsteps from outside, making you quickly look behind you. Bob peeked his head in. "Hey I'm back! Do me a favor, and look away for a second!" He says, enthusiastically. "Ok!" You say looking the opposite direction and covering your eyes. He dragged two body bags through his house, leaving a small blood trail behind. You heard a thud. Bob came back with nothing in his hands. "Ok you can look now." He says, laughing as he turns on the sink, and washes his hands. You look at him. He was absolutely drenched in blood. His eyes were half lidded. He had blood dripping from his mouth. He washed off the face paint, and threw the headband behind his shoulder. He stood up, looking normal now. He looked at you, taking off his sweater revealing a white shirt underneath. He walked over to what looked like his room, and put on a different shirt. He came back out in a Nirvana shirt. Like the one Bob wore recently.. 'You hungry?" He asked. "I guess! Unless you don't want to cook." You say, shrugging. "I like to cook. I'm also hungry too, you don't get both." He said. You giggled. That's why what he said was familiar.. He walked down to what looked like his basement. He came up with looked like patties. "What's that made out of?" You ask. "Humans!" He says in a spooky voice, making hand gestures. "Cool!" You say excitingly. He chuckles. He was slightly surprised at how calm you were about it. You were only 9, he just assumed that you thought he was kidding. Or maybe, you didn't see it as a problem! "We gotta go outside and grill these." He said, flipping his head towards the door that led to the patio in his backyard. He walked outside with you clinging onto him like a puppy. He turned on the grill, and put the meat onto it. You could hear it sizzling as you stood beside him as he flipped it. "Wanna try?" He said. "Sure!" You say. You stand in front of the grill, and he stands behind you. He held your hand, moving your arms like a puppet. You grab the spatula, and he makes your hand flip the patties with the spatula. He guided your hands to pat down the patties, and flip them. After a few minutes, he took control, and took them off of the grill. He placed them onto burger buns, and took them inside. You followed him, curiously. He placed the burgers onto a cutting board in the kitchen area, and grabbed two slices of cheese. He put one slice on your's and the other on his. "Mayo or no mayo?" He asks, looking over to you at his side. "None please." You say. Once he finished, he placed 2 burgers onto two each individual plates. He grabbed two napkins, and gave one plate to you along with one of the napkins. You sit on a small stool by the kitchen counter, and place your plate on it. He sits down next to you, and sets down his plate. "Want anything to drink?" He asked. "Apple juice?" You ask. "Mmhmm." He hums as he opens his fridge. He takes out an apple juice box, and hands it over to you. You didn't question why he had such childish beverages such as the specific type of apple juice he had. He sits next to you. "Why did I have to close my eyes when you walked in?" You ask curiously. "Well, I got your parent problem fixed. It's just that you are too young to see them at the state they were in." He replies, rustling his hair. "I could handle it!" You say, confidently. "It just does somethin' to ya', kiddo. It doesn't leave yer' head. Ever. It sticks with you, in a not good way." He says, dazing off. "Hm. Ok." You say, digging into your burger. He did the same. His large and razor teeth tore through the burger like a knife, and butter. In a matter or a few minutes, you had eaten the burger. He had finished his several seconds before you. He sighed, as he grabbed the two plates, and sat them in his dishwasher. "It's gettin' pretty late, hun." He says, putting his hand on your shoulder. "Oh alright." You say. "I have a spare toothbrush and toothpaste in the bathroom." He says, pointing to a bathroom. "Thank you!" You say off in the distance. You grab the spares, and brush your teeth. He walked over to his couch, folding it out. There was a mattress inside connected to it. He set up sheets and pillows, along with blankets on it. Once you had walked out, he walked into the bathroom to brush his teeth. He walked back out a couple minutes later. He sat on the couch, laying down as you lied on the mattress. You tried shutting your eyes, burrowing your face into the pillow, but you couldn't go to sleep. Bob was awake. "Hey Bob? Could you lay down here with me?" You ask in a worried tone. "Of course." He said as he got up, and lied down next to you. You put your head in his chest, as his arms held you from behind. "Goodnight." He said. "Night." You mumbled back. Your eyes shut, as you felt your body lose consciousness.

7:30 AM

You open your eyes, and see the yellow Nirvana logo. Bob's shirt. You were still there, laying with him. His eyes were already open. "Mornin'!" He said, rubbing your head. "Morning!" You reply, rubbing your eyes as you yawn. He stood up, carrying you over to his kitchen counter, sitting you on a stool. "What do you want for breakfast?" He asks. "Hmm. I guess cereal?" You say. "Comin' up! We have Cap'n Crunch?" He says (Cap'n meaning Captain. He is just super southern 💀). "Sure." You say. He grabs the cereal box, and pours it into a bowl. He opened his fridge, and took out a jug of milk, pouring it into the cereal. He hands you the bowl, along with a spoon. "Thank you!" You say. "Your welcome." He replies with a warm smile. He walks downstairs into his basement, and came back with what looked like.. an arm. He sat it in his microwave, and warmed it up for 60 seconds. "What's that?" You ask, pointing to the microwave. "It's your mom." (No pun intended) He says, shifting his eyes over to you. You tilted your head. You realized what this situation really was. He was eating your mom's arm. He could see the worried expression on your face. "Your mom made it!" He quickly says, trying to make it better. "Ohhh." You say, chuckling, calming down. Bob turned to look at the microwave, and his face changed to a relieved frown. "Fuck my life." He muttered to himself, as he opened the microwave. He took out the plate, and sat it on the counter next to you. You were already eating your cereal. He began scarfing down the human flesh. Blood stained the tips of his teeth. You could hear cracks, and squelches ever few seconds while he inhaled the food 'your mom made'. You just thought of it as a fake edible arm. He held out the arm to you. "Wanna try?" He said with a mouth full. You didn't think of this as twisted at the time, but this situation was fucked up. You leaned over and bit down on a limp finger. It had her ring on it. The finger detached from the hand, as the ring slid off. You gnawed on the finger, careful not to eat the bone. The fingernails had been removed. It tasted like pork in a weird way. "Hm!" You said in an approving tone, holding a thumbs up to Bob. He smiled, as blood dripped from his mouth. You just ate your mom's ring finger. Once you finished eating your cereal along with your mom's finger, you leaned back. "Again, thank you." You say to him as he wiped the red substance from his face and hands with a napkin. "Your welcome!" He said happily. He took the excess bones, and sat them down in his basement. He walked back up to where you were. "They are lookin' for you. You need to leave. I'll take ya' to yer' grandparents." He said, grabbing your arm before you could object. He dragged you outside into his truck. It was a large black truck. He sat you in his backseat. You didn't question how he knew your grandparents. "Can we hang out again sometime soon?" You asked. "Hopefully, (Y/N)." He says in a disappointed tone.

Time skip

You both got out of the truck. He pulled you into a hug. "Call me whenever you want, (Y/N)." He says (CALL ME WHEN U NEED-). "I will." You say with a frown. He got in his truck and waved you goodbye. He drove off, leaving you at your grandparent's doorstep. You knock on the door. Your grandmother opens it. "OH! (Y/N)!" She said, hugging you. You sighed, as you pulled away. "Where's your parents?!" She asks. You shook your head, her knowing what you were saying. Her face molded into sadness, and horror. She had tears in her eyes. You looked absolutely fine. You walked inside. For the rest of your life, you had dreams about that day. You didn't realize how awful that man was at the time. You had dreams about him almost every night, and the realization that you had eaten your mom along side of her killer, would always grip you by the throat.


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