~^ Three Boys ^~

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{+Chapter 2, Three Boys (TW FOR MASOCHIST AND SLIGHT GORE) +}
A person who enjoys pain.

Darkness surrounded you as you walked along the empty streets. The only light source you could find was from your phone. You turned the phone in different directions, trying to light yourself a path. You walk forwards, but come to a halt as you run into something. Your heartbeat quickens. You slowly shine your phone at the bottom of whatever you ran into, and see a fair of large feet in black shoes. You slowly shine further up, revealing legs, then a dark red sweater. You point your phone at the face of whoever was there, and see Bob Velseb in his red devil costume. He begins to laugh, slowly getting louder as the seconds passed.


You wake up, panting. You sit up and rub your forehead. Maybe you shouldn't have watched the news about a serial killer before taking a nap. You look at your phone. It was now 5:40, still the same day. You sit up. You thought about what you should do. "Fuck it, I'm just goin' for a walk." You say to yourself, standing up and walking over to your kitchen counter. (Optional) you grab a sketchbook, and a pencil to draw for a bit (end of optional). You grab your keys, and open your door. You walk outside, lock your door behind you, and start walking down the sidewalks. You put your headphones in your ears, and continue to listen to the playlist. You wondered if that dream would become reality. Would you become a victim of his own? I mean it could be a possibility. If he really was the Bob you met, the Bob you loved, the Bob you saw as a father, then he could be after you. You've heard he attacks mostly later in the day, and mostly on Halloween night. One kid that walked by purposely bumped into your arm. "Hey!" You say stopping him. There were two other boys at his side. "RUN GUYS!" The middle one says, running away. One of the two boys with black hair walked up to you. "Sorry, he's just like that." He says. "No, it's ok!" You say, smiling. You take out your earbuds. "My names Ross, that's Robert, and the one that ran off is Roy." He says, holding out his hand. "(Y/N)." You say, shaking his hand. "Well, have a good day!" You say to the two boys. "You too!" Robert says, waving you goodbye as you walk off. You rub where he had hit it. He had elbowed you, slightly hitting your rib-cage. You sigh, and this time, don't put in your headphones. You continue walking, and listening to the sounds surrounding the area. The birds chirping, the wind blowing, your thoughts flowing around your head. You heard thudding footsteps rush from behind you. You hastily look behind you. There was nothing there. Your pupils dart from place to place. Nobody is there. You don't think, and walk backwards before turning your head to face that direction. You bump into something. It felt fuzzy. Like a sweater. You turn around, and see him face to face. The devil himself, in his costume. He tilts his head as he stares you down. You stay, and do nothing. You just stood there in utter shock and terror. "Did you know, patients in the United States use up to approximately 32,000 pints of blood every day?" He says in a low deep country accent, wiggling his fingers at you. Your eyes widen. "This is when I brutally die, oh shit!" You think to yourself. You back up, almost tripping but catching your fall. "May I help you?" You say, shaking. He stood in silence, getting closer to you every time you back up. Nobody else was around. You turn around, and sprint back to the direction of your house. You hear him running after you. His footsteps shook the ground. You could feel him catching up to you. You pass the three boys, Ross, Roy, and Robert. They look at you running off in confusion, but before they could think, Bob comes running through them, pushing them aside. "OH MY GOD.. ITS.. ITS THE DEVIL.." Robert says. "Dude, we gotta help them." Ross says to Robert, shivering. "I DONT HAVE TIME FOR THIS! WHY SHOULD WE?!" Roy said, panicking. "Because they are a cool person, and that dude could kill them?" Robert says to Roy. Roy sighed angrily "FINE!" Roy says, stomping on the ground angrily. The three boys throw a rock at Bob's back, making him stop. "STOP CHASING THEM!" Robert said, shaking. Bob slowly turned around, facing their direction. "What do we do?" Roy whispers to Ross in an afraid voice. "Wait." Ross says. Bob walks towards their direction. You turn around, and stop running. You watch the scene perform. Bob is now face to face with the boys. "How are they any of YOUR concern?"Bob says, grinding his teeth. "Because your a cannibal. You kill people. Why wouldn't we care?" Robert says, leaning into Bob's face. It was hard to make direct eye contact because of his height. The three boys were small, and Bob being so tall didn't help. "Hmph. Fair. But what if I'm not actually Velseb? It is Halloween after all." Bob said, tilting his head trying to trick the boys. "Let's hear that from (Y/N) then." Ross says, putting his hand on his hip. Bob turns around to see you standing there. You look at the boys. You could tell them the truth, that he was after you. But you didn't want to get them involved. "Yeah he's fine." You say. "Ok.." Ross says, walking off with his friends. You knew he was gonna do something bad to you or them if you had told the boys. When he wasn't looking, you made a run for it towards your house. He turned around, and chased after you. He grabbed your waist, and lifted you off of the ground. "FUCK!" You yell, but it was muffled by Bob covering your mouth with his enormous hand. You squirm, and try to wiggle out of his clutch. You bite down on his hand. He laughs. GOD FUCKING DAMN HES A MASOCHIST?! His other arm was wrapped around your stomach, gripping it so hard it was difficult to breathe. You began to feel lightheaded. You were losing oxygen. The corners of your eyes fade to black, as you begin to pass out.

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