~^ Bobby ^~

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{+Chapter 5, Bobby (TW FOR CHILDISH INSULTS, SLIGHT GORE, KIDNAP) (also this will be a longer chapter because we got some lore up in this house >:D)+}

8:45 AM

October 30th

You open your eyes. You are still on the serial killer. His eyes were wide open. He looked down at you. You looked up at him. Your head lowered back down. "I appreciate the company, but I'm hungry." He says, pulling on your hair to make you look up at him. You winced. His eyebrows narrowed as you looked into his dark eyes. He sat up, releasing your hair, and getting off of the bed. He stretched, and walked over to the door. You looked at his Nirvana shirt. It was funny that he liked Nirvana. That just confirmed it even more that it was Bobby. He opened it and left, locking it behind him. You sat up, and rubbed your head. Man, he pulled your hair hard. You sat up against the bed frame. You banged your head against the wall, not too hard being careful of not hurting yourself. You rub the back of your neck. Your face felt hot. You were on him all night. He opened the door. In his hand was a plate with two burgers on it. You raised an eyebrow. "Don't think I'm bein' nice, I just like cooking and I figured why not. Also I'm hungry you don't get both." He said, trying to be humorous at the end. It sounded extremely familiar. You've heard that before, except a bit different. It was like he was trying so hard to make you remember that it was him. How could you not remember? He sat down next to you. He handed you the burger, as you grabbed it in your hands, slowly bringing it to your mouth. It smelt and looked absolutely amazing. You dug your teeth in it, ripping it apart. You take a second to think about how the first bite tasted. Your eyes widen. It was delicious tasting. It tasted exactly like the burger you got when you were 9. Your pupils shift to him. You wipe your mouth, quickly looking away from him because his gaze was already set on you. He chuckles. He could tell you liked it, you just didn't want to give him that satisfaction. The taste melted into your mouth. You ate another bit shortly after swallowing the first bite. He stared you down as you scarfed the burger into your mouth, eating it like a feral animal. He sat back, raising his eyebrows with half lidded eyes. His grin stuck to his blank white face. His dark eye circles looked so dark, it might as well had been face paint. His eyelids were as black as licorice, complimenting his dark eyes. He crossed his arms, admiring you and all your movements from each hair that stuck up on your neck, to your chest rising and falling with each breath you took. He noticed everything. He grabbed his burger, and ripped it apart with his large teeth. You finished inhaling your burger, and looked at him. You couldn't help, but stare at how large and sharp his teeth were. They were fined down to a sharp point, enough to rip through human flesh. He finished within seconds. He wiped his mouth, and eyed you down. He grabbed the plate. "What even was that made out of?" You ask curiously, scared for an answer. He turned around to look at you. His eyes narrowed. "I'm a cannibal, darlin'. The type of burger I had was the same as yours." Was his last words before leaving the room with the plate. Realization seeped into your bones. Does this make you a cannibal? You felt like you were going to throw up. You didn't want to, because you were absolutely starving. You hadn't eaten anything, and you wanted at least a little chance of survival until you were brutally murdered. You just ate a human, and it tasted amazing. It must have just been the way he cooked it, you didn't like human flesh in general. No way. You bring your legs up to your face, wrapping your arms around you. You heard loud heavy footsteps. He was in his devil costume. "Be right back, darlin'. I'm gonna bring ya' a surprise." He said in a sing song voice, laughing to himself as he left the house. A surprise? This could either be something "nice", or something brutal. Something awful. A surprise could mean a lot of different things in this situation, and to be honest, you didn't want to know. You lay down on the mattress, looking at the ceiling. You couldn't leave. You couldn't even try. If you tried, you would just trip because of your ankle. You have an idea suddenly. You could try to walk around, and move the bed. You stand up, and move your ankle. The bed didn't move. You tried again, but this time, just hurting your ankle. "GAH! FUCK!" You said, holding your injury. You groan. Your ankle immediately turned bruised. You cry. It hurt like hell. You held the covers over you, staring at the wall. What else could you do? You gave up on hope, and shut your eyes. When your eyelids were shut, you could see multiple colors, and messy shapes form. Some were images. Some were images of you, some of him, some of your friends, some of your.. traumatic experience. You didn't want to think about it. You tried to drift away from your consciousness, but you couldn't stop thinking about the incident.

~^ Crimson Heart ^~ Bob Velseb X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora