~^ Cries of Pain ^~

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{+Chapter 3, Cries of Pain (TW FOR GORE AND KIDNAP)+}

9:00 PM

A person who enjoys hurting others.

You open your eyes to pitch blackness. You try to move your arms and legs, but you are tied up with what feels like rope. "Great. He fucking kidnapped me." You whispered to yourself, angrily. You could see absolutely nothing, but you could feel that you were tied up to a wood chair. "HELP!" You scream. You hear footsteps walk up behind you. "Shut up, or I might just slit yer' throat." He said, walking by the side of the chair. He leaned his hand on it. You looked over, and you saw his eyes and smile. You could see nothing, but that. His pupils shifted over to you. He walked over in front of you, and switched on a dim light. The light only lit up the chair, not the whole room. Your eye level was at his belt. He was wearing a white shirt, and jeans. He didn't have his mask on. His jet black hair was slicked back, with a couple of messy hair strands hanging over his face. He had a very subtle couple of hairs sticking out from his chin. His eyebrows were black, and thick. He knelt down directly in front of your face. He tilted his head, as he studied you. "What are you gonna do to me." You ask, your voice shaking. "What do you think." He asks you. "Kill me? Eat me?" You say, raising an eyebrow. "We will just have to see, won't we?.. You are special in a way." He says, dragging his finger along your jaw line. He chuckled. His laugh carried through the room. This was fucked up. "You sadistic bitch." You mumble to yourself. "Hm?" He said. "What was that?" He repeated. His jaw was clenched. "I said, your a sadistic bitch." You spat in his face. You could hear him laugh under his breath. His laugh slowly escalated. Barbaric laughs carried through the pitch blackness. "You crack me up." He says, grabbing your arm. He dug his sharp fingers into your forearm. It was like he had claws. You yelped in pain as his fingers drew blood from fingers impaling you. Tears weld up in your eyes. You groan in pain. He licked the blood off of his fingers, teasing you. Blood dripped from his mouth. It was a shit ton of blood. A sudden spark of cyan glowed in his eyes for a second. He chuckled at your expression. He seemed to love seeing you scared, or disturbed. He stared into your eyes. His eyes were as dark as midnight. His hair flung over his face as he aggressively raised his hand, holding a knife. He held the knife up to your chin, making you flinch. You whimper. "You wanna see sadistic?" He said, caressing your chin with his knife, just enough to not make you bleed. You shake your head, gesturing that you were disagreeing. His chuckling returned. He suddenly sliced your cheek with his sharp blade in a blink of an eye. You burst out in tears. He covered your mouth.  Your crying went over his hand. You shut your eyes out of pain, and agony. His expression screamed happiness and enjoyment. You leaned your neck back. His hand removed from your mouth. "I like that noise. The cries of pain. I'll have to hear it again in a bit." He says, rustling your hair. He suddenly stands up, adjusting his belt as he walks off, and opens a door, leaving the room. You were all alone in this pitch black room, and tied up to a chair. You leaned over to your tied up wrists, and attempt to bite it. It didn't work. This was thick rope. He was really good at this, apparently. You try to yank your wrists, shaking the chair. The ropes wouldn't budge. You move the chair legs, hoping you'd bump into something. Maybe there would be something you could cut the ropes with in the room? You didn't have many options besides do that, or sit around and let this man torture you. Slowly and painfully. You run into a wall. You move side to side. You run into another wall. "Goddamnit!" You mutter to yourself. You slam your finger against a table. You blindly feel around on the table with your fingertips. You feel something metal. It was rough with sharp edges. It was a saw blade. Of course he has a saw blade. You shivered at the thought of being sawed in half. You lean your arm over to the blade, trying to cut the rope with it. You hear the door creak open. You panic. "OH SHIT SHIT SHIT." You think to yourself. You wiggle around in pure panic, and fall on your back. The fall knocked the wind out of you. You wheeze in extreme discomfort. Bob walks over to you. "Tryin' to leave, are we?" He says, dragging the chair. Oh you were so dead. You were dropped to the cold hard ground after a few seconds of him dragging the chair. He walks over into the darkness. You hear a saw. "No no no no no I'm sorry please no!" You beg as he walks towards you, saw in hand. Your voice was hoarse. He moves the saw towards your hand. You shut your eyes. You brace for pain, but suddenly, he cuts the ropes off of your wrists and ankles. "What?" You say confusingly, opening your eyes. "Don't think I'm helpin' ya'." He says, picking you up by your ankles. He slowly dragged you towards the door, and up a stair case. You assumed you were in his basement. Your head hit each step. You tried to scratch at his hands, but he didn't budge. You hit his enormous hands in attempt to break his grasp. He didn't let go. He laughed at your petty attempts. You looked around his living room, as he drug you to a bedroom. It looked identical to Bobby's house, but more torn. He aggressively slammed you against a hard bed. The mattress was ripped up. The windows were blocked off, and there were multiple holes and scratches on the walls. Some looked like bullet holes. He grabbed one of your ankles, and held it in his lap as he put it into a cuff which was connected to the bed. You stared at him as he tampered with the cuff lock. You heard a couple "damn" snd annoyed grunts come from him. You tried to think he was soft for you than his other victims, but he was just sadistic. He wasn't nice, he just wanted to see you suffer before he ate you alive. Or maybe, you meant something to him if it really was him. He let go of your ankle. You claw at it, but it didn't work. "How long do you plan on keepin' me here?" You ask nervously, as he sharpened a knife by a table next to the bed. "As long as I want." He said, sin and venom dripping from his voice. "How long is that." You said, grabbing the bed frame. He didn't answer. He just sat there, sharpening a knife. "ANSWER ME GODDAMNIT!" You yell, slamming your fist on the bed with tears trickling down your face. "Look at you, makin' demands, (Y/N)." Was all he said before leaving the room, hearing a lock click. The way he said your name made you shiver. His voice was menacing. Scary even. He was scary, period. This was real. He was real. He really kidnapped you, and what he would do next was unknown to you. All you knew, was that it probably wasn't gonna be pretty.

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