~^ Interview with a Cannibal ^~

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{+Chapter 1, Interview With A Cannibal +}
October 29th, 2013


PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder)
A mental health condition triggered by a traumatic event or witnessing one.

Your name is (Y/N) (L/N). You are 28 years old, alone along with your PTSD. You were born in 1985. You had a couple of friends in town, which were Rick, Lila, and Kevin. You were, according to him, one of the only people he got along with, but you two didn't talk much. He was mostly working his shift, or curling up in a ball of self pity. Kevin was a cool dude. You talked with him a lot of times, and he seemed to enjoy it. Lila you talked to the most. She would always bring up Jaune in every conversation. You still liked to talk to her, she was one of the nicest people you knew. It was the day before Halloween, and you had to get your costume. You sat up from your bed, and waltzed to your bathroom. You look at yourself in the mirror, and start brushing your teeth. You brushed your hair, and did everything else you needed to do to freshen up. You wash your face, and dig through some clothes in your closet. You found a plain black t-shirt, and some baggy jeans. You put on your undergarments, and then continued to dress up. Once you finished, you put on some white socks, and put on your Dr. Martins. You walk out of your room, and to your front door. You twist the door knob, and walk outside, embracing the cold air. You lock the door behind you, and plug headphones into your ears. You play a playlist, and begin to walk down the sidewalk towards a Halloween store called "Spirit Halloween". You felt the dried up yellow, and orange leaves crunch underneath your boots. Your mind sets on your surroundings, looking at the grey sky. A group of kids walked next to you every once in a while, some in costumes. You took out your earbuds, and take a second to stare at the Halloween store. You walked up towards the entrance to the store, and walked inside. There were a couple of animatronics placed around the place, mostly malfunctioning. It kind of creeped you out. Some didn't have voices, you could just hear the creaking of the robot decoration. You walked over to a shelf, and scan what the store had in stock. You walk over to an isle lined up with classic horror character costumes. You see a Freddy Krueger outfit, and grab it. Your favorite part was the glove, and the sharp blades. That was always super cool to you. You didn't get the mask, because one you could probably barely breathe through the latex, and two it just looked ridiculous. You would just look like a chill Freddy Krueger, so what? You walk towards the front desk, and put the items on the counter. The man scans your items, and looks at you. "That'll be $10.99" He says. You hand him the money, and he hands you change. "Have a good day." He says, as you walk out. "You too." You say, dryly as you walk through the automatic doors. You walked along the sidewalks, once again, plugging your ear buds into your ears. You looked at the streets, which multiple people walked on. Cars would honk at someone every few minutes as they walked on the crosswalk. You got to your house, and pulled out your headphones. You reached into your pocket to grab your keys, but stop to the sound of footsteps. They were slow to begin with, but they slowly got louder and faster. You quickly turned around, and shot your eyes in different directions. Your breathing was heavy. Nobody was there. You hesitantly and slowly turn back around, and unlock your door. You quickly run inside, and lock your door. "Probably paranoia." You say, shrugging. What would you be paranoid about? Who knows. You were just trying to calm yourself down. You rubbed the back of your neck, as you sat your Halloween costume down on a counter in your kitchen. You opened up your phone, and scrolled through your Facebook page. You didn't post, you just looked at random posts people made, along with mostly useless news. You scroll down, and stop to see a "Breakin' News Report". "Breakin News! The cannibalistic serial killer, Bob Velseb, has yet again escaped prison and is on the run. There have been so far eight bodies discovered, with all of them dismembered. Please in the remaining time, keep your houses locked up. If you are participating in Halloween, don't go alone and carry self defense. Who knows when the devil will come out to feast on the lamb!". "Jesus Christ." You say to yourself. Great, a cannibal on the loose. You weren't gonna let that ruin your Halloween. But if you die, your blaming yourself. You looked at his mug shot. He looked extremely familiar. His face, his hair, his beard, his smile. And his name was Bob, just like the Bob you met a long time ago. You glared at him. You could remember his sweet voice. You zoned out, thinking about that this is probably him from the incident. You slapped yourself out of your trance, and turned on your TV, pressing a button on your remote. The same news you read about earlier turned on. You groaned with annoyance. Why the fuck not? You lean back, and watch the news. It shows multiple pictures of Bob, and him in his iconic devil costume. It suddenly played a voice recording. It was a woman's voice. It was like an interview. A video suddenly faded onto the screen. It was a dark room, which showed the famous cannibal sitting, handcuffed to a table, smiling underneath a mask cannibals wore to keep them from biting something or someone. Man he really was psychotic. He had dried blood splattered on his face. His eyes looked frantic. His dark eye circles popped out. "Why do you kill these innocent people?" The woman says. He doesn't respond. His pupils were the size of ants. They seemed to shrink in size every time she spoke. You could hear his loud breathing over the video. Every once in a while he would chuckle. Another voice, the news reporter, overlapped the video. "Nobody could get a response from him." It said. "No shit." You mumbled to yourself. Velseb's height was horrifyingly tall. He had to lean over to fit in the frame when he sat down during the video he was so tall. A warning came up onto the screen. "WARNING! Some might find this scene disturbing. Viewer discretion is advised." It said. It then continued playing the interview. Nothing happened for a second, but suddenly Bob's arms shook. The handcuffs snapped into bits, as he pulled his arm away. He ripped off the mask as the elastic snapped into multiple pieces. "Sh*t. I need backup. REPEAT I NEE-" The woman began to say, but was cut off by Bob pouncing onto the woman. The camera fell over, and showed the woman lying on the floor. Bob's footsteps walked past the camera, then picking it up. It faced him. He looked into the camera."FREEZE!" A man's voice said, with what sounded like a gun cocking. The camera faces the officer, and smashed against his forehead, breaking the footage into static. "That's all for now folks, we will update you on any more reports about the infamous killer, Bob Velseb." The reporter said as the channel switched. You grab your phone, and text Rick. "Hey you ok?" You ask him. "Yeah, just doing this lame ass job. Why?" He replies. You could almost hear his bored voice. "That killer is just on the loose and I was worried." You say. "We haven't seen a single sign of him." Rick says. "Alright that's good. How's Kev?" You ask. "He's ok. He's been stressing over those two kids every year that come on Halloween. The skeleton and pumpkin kids?" He says. "Oh yeah. Poor Kevin. Tell him I said hi please. Have a good day! :)" you say back. "You too" he replies. Man poor Rick, he's been through it. You didn't have anything else to do, so you just buried your face into your couch and fell asleep. It was probably really him, isn't it. You didn't want to believe it.

 You didn't want to believe it

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