Chapter 66: Galar League - Fire Badge

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"Where's Scorbunny?" He asked while looking around.

They looked around but didn't see her. That's when they noticed another was missing.

"Dracovish is gone too" Latias said.

They spread out to search for them.

Dracovish had been following a light he saw that mesmerized him. He suddenly saw the same light again. He turned, only to see Scorbunny practicing her Ember attack.

"'s not enough, I need to produce more heat." She then shot out an Ember from her mouth again. 'Drizzile is getting stronger, so I have to work hard to get stronger too.' She then tightened her paw into a fist. 'Otherwise, I won't be worthy of becoming his bride!!'

Her imagination took off.

Scorbunny released an incredible display of fire. She then knocked out every Pokémon around her, who were all female.

"Is that really the best you can do? You skanks aren't worthy of my time" she said boldly.

"Scorbunny!" Drizzile called out. Scorbunny turned to see him run up to her. "That was the most incredible display of power I've ever seen! You're the strongest and most beautiful girl in my eyes!"

"Oh Drizzile!" She squealed as she jumped into his arms.

"I've made up my mind! Will you be the fire that's set in my heart forever?" He asked.

"Anything for you darling!"

Scorbunny had a blissful facial expression.

"Hehehe, you're so bold darling..."

"My name's Dracovish, not so bold darling."

Scorbunny opened her eyes again. She was met with Dracovish staring at her with confusion. Scorbunny's face started to turn red.

"GYAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" She screamed.

Scorbunny jumped backwards. "WHAT THE!! WHERE THE HELL DID YOU COME FROM?!"

"Over there" Dracovish said as he pointed his fin behind her.

"Ok fine but! What are you doing here?!" Scorbunny asked with growing anger.

"Well I saw this super awesome light so I followed it. Then after a while I saw you, walked up to you, looked at you, spoke to you the end" he explained.

Scorbunny let out a deep sigh. "Well can you at least warn me next time?"

"Sure thing! Then it will be your turn playing hide and seek" he said happily.

Scorbunny's eyes turned white as they twitched. 'How old was this idiot when he got fossilized?!' She thought.

She refocused herself. She tried to visualize what she was trying to attempt. Another image of her and a then Sobble flashed in her mind. She inhaled a giant breath. She shot out the biggest fireball she'd ever produced.

Dracovish watched in awe. Scorbunny was just as shocked. Her eyes stared to sparkle with glee. She let out a victory cry.

Light suddenly started to envelop her. After it ended, Scorbunny was replaced by someone new.

"Woah! Who are you??" Dracovish asked innocently.

"What are you talking about? It's still me" she said calmly.

The others started to show up.

"Scorbunny! We heard you scream! Are you al--" Ash asked before seeing someone else. "Scorbunny! You evolved!" Ash said with excitement.

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