Wanderlust & desert dust. Chapter 26

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I woke up to the sound of the doorbell ringing incessantly. Whoever standing behind that door, was not giving up. I sighed, and summoned every ounce of willpower within me to get out of bed and willed myself to open the door. It was Sarah, looking impatient, with her arms crossed.

She barges her way in, and plunks herself onto the couch, "Gosh my hangover is killing me", she groans.

"You're lucky John was there to carry you. By the way, did you instruct John to ascertain I went to bed alone?", I shot her a dubious look, while crawling back into bed.

"Did he abide by my instructions? ", she grins, looking pleased.

"He was obedient. I'm amazed, even when you were on the verge of passing out, you could think of such things", I remarked, shaking my head.

"By the way, why are you up so early ? It's only 10.30 am", I yawned.

"I came to check on you", came her reply

I rolled my eyes, "Ye of little faith. What's our plan today? Want to hit the spa?".

"Sounds enticing. Unfortunately John has arranged a private camel excursion, a desert safari and dinner package. You coming?", she asks, stretching on the couch.

"Sure, anything that's in the evening I'm game. What are you going to do now?".

"Head back to sleep of course, nurse my hangover. See you later at 3pm", she says before closing the door.

I drop Nate a text about the plans. To be honest, I highly doubt he will join. I am a lazy traveller, but Nate is in a different league of his own. Beyond lazy. I've never seen him participate in any outdoor activities, drinking aside.

It was mid noon by the time I woke up. l ordered in room service, ran a quick shower and got ready in a white tank top tucked into a high waisted skinny jeans. Since the sun is still up, I stuffed a black cap and shades in my hand bag just in case.

Around 2.30pm, I heard knocks rapping on the door. It was Nate, looking fresh in a white collared dress shirt with only the front tucked into khaki shorts. I wasn't expecting to see him to be honest.

"Are we really riding camels?", Nate asks, furrowing his brow.

I laughed, "Yes, we are".

He sits down beside me and steals a french fry. "This is delicious", he says taking another one. "But not as delectable as you", he grins, pulling me closer to him and feeding me a french fry.

Sarah calls, indicating it was time to go. We head to the lobby, his arms casually slung around my shoulders. During the ride there, he made small talk with Sarah. I noticed he was making an effort to regain her lost approval for him.

After awhile she relented. Sarah became friendlier and was at ease.

He sneaked a glance at me and winked, upon successfully charming Sarah into cordiality. I smiled as a thank you in appreciation.

We arrived at the starting point, the first thing on the agenda was to ATV across the desert to the next destination. "Race you to the finish point", yells Sarah.

"Challenge accepted", I responded, gaining pace beside her. It lasted about 30 minutes, though there wasn't a clear victor since there wasn't exactly a finish line.

"I thought you were afraid of speed", grumbles Sarah after admitting grudgingly that I could be the winner.

"Not in straight lines honey", I grinned, watching the boys were cruising leisurely towards us across the sand dunes.

Next was the camel ride, we took separate camels each to head to the campsite for dinner. Nate was next to mount up the camel, swatting a sand-fly off his leg.

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