Two become One. Chapter 5

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Though I love my job, I was not spared from chronic Monday blues. Brandon knows never to speak to me if I have yet to drink my coffee, preferably not a word till after lunch.

The markets downhill plunge was slowing down, there's only so much blood it can shed for now. Due to the oil fall, the sentiment has affected other sectors as well, including technology, which were irrelevant to the oil crisis. They were starting to look undervalued, poised for a rebound. I decided to buy more tech giants on discount. Google, Amazon and Facebook were must haves for long positions. Build a low average price and continue collecting when it drops.

My shorts for oil were still running, when it drops below $40per barrel, that'll be the time for me to harvest.

Around lunch time, Jacob, my ex called today. Since we parted on mutual terms, we realised we made good friends not lovers. When it ended, I wasn't terribly heartbroken. All the heart shattering moments happened before we finally got together. The 'It's complicated' initial stage.

Now, he's like a familiar, an old friend. After all the time spent, we know each pretty well, the good, bad and ugly sides.

"Brooke Victoria Morgan. Reminder of our dinner plans tonight", Jacob greets jovially.

To be honest, it slipped my mind, since nearly the whole of last week was occupied by Nate.

"You've forgotten haven't you", he says amused.

"Guilty as charged. Yes, plans are confirmed. I'll meet you at 5.30pm", I replied sheepishly.

He takes no offense, knowing there's a 50% chance that I might forget, hence the reminder. We have not spoken for a few months, with his engagement being the last update. We are meeting today to catch up, and for him to pass his wedding invitation by hand.

It may seem peculiar to others, attending an ex's wedding, nonetheless I don't see it that way. Over the years, he's been a good friend, like an older brother in some ways.

As the market closes, I couldn't help but to wonder what Nate was up to. I've gotten used to his ordering around since the past week. What is it about this man that has gotten into me?

I arrived on time to meet Jacob once work ended. Five minutes late is considered timely enough. Seated at the far right corner was Jacob. He waves his hand motioning to go over.

"Brooke Morgan, you look great. Markets must have been kind on you", he grins broadly as we hugged hello.

"You don't look too bad yourself Jacob. Soon to be married life looks good on you", I replied smiling sincerely.

Jacob and Nate looked as opposite as night and day. Jacob has sandy hair and light brown eyes, always sporting a carefree expression and flirtatious grin on his good looking face. Nate was handsome and a debonair playboy with a cold and mysterious demeanour. His hair is black and his eyes had a piercing gaze.

"Looks like you've proved me wrong", Jacob says.

I laughed, "Yes I did. It was a motivation back then".

When we first met, I was buckling under stress during the first year in my job. He thought I wouldn't last, I on the other hand was determined to prove otherwise. Little did we know, that I fell fast in love with the markets. All the initial stress and sleepless nights are finally paying off.

We caught up, reminiscing our young and foolish days. It's clear now, how unsuited we were for each other. It was the thrill of the chase that kept bringing us back together, overlooking the fact that we had nothing in common.

"I remembered how prideful you were. You would never confess anything first! Even if you were head over heels", he exclaims.

"I bought you a cactus", I pointed out.

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