Falling into Familiarity. Chapter 6

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I woke up groggily to my alarm with a sore body from last night's double work out sessions, in the gym and bedroom. I snuck a glance at a sleeping Nate, looking the most innocent I've ever seen.

"Is it time to wake up", he groans sleepily. I stroked his head gently and replied yes. In a lazy fashion he yanks me back underneath the sheets with him. "Goodness Brooke, it's fucking freezing. How do you sleep in such a cold temperature?", he grumbles.

I laughed, he wasn't the first to complain, my air-conditioning is always set to the lowest temperature throughout all seasons. "Deal with it big guy", I replied playfully. He spanks my bottom as a reply and dials his phone asking his driver to bring a clean suit over, while I quickly showered and got ready.

The intercom buzzes and I granted his driver access upstairs. He changes while I observed how comfortable he was as if it were his own place. "Shame, we have no time for a morning quickie", he says while checking his watch.

I grinned, "Time to head back to your wife and my husband", referring to the markets.

"If that's the case, you look like a well kept mistress", he mumbles capturing my mouth in a longing kiss, brushing my hair back.

We went down together in the lift as he hugs me from behind. We parted ways to our separate cars after hugging goodbye.

"See you soon, lover", he grins adorably.

I smile shyly, as he watches me enter the car. He has a way of making me feel desirable, a powerful state of mind to be in, as a woman. Endorphins released through sex can be positively mood altering.

I reached the office, caught up with the news. Brandon comes in with my coffee and I greet him good morning.

"You're exceptionally cheerful without your fix today", he observes.

"Look at the market, what is there to be upset about?", I pointed out victoriously, flipping the monitor screen to his direction. He smiles knowingly, watching the portfolio gains growing sizably.

Oil continued it's slide today. Overnight, Saudi Arabia announces that there will be zero output cuts to help support oil prices. They were clever and shrewd, applying the amounting pressure upon the shale oil players. To see a scenario unfold as predicted before your very eyes and to be part of the action was gratifying. It was plunging in a downward spiral.

Once the announcement was out, I had congratulatory calls and questions flooding in. Still I couldn't let it get to my head, the moment pride takes over is when trouble kicks in. The stock market hates arrogant fools and would be glad to discipline you once your judgement is clouded by your ego. A lesson I swore to avoid repeating.

Market ended and I was giddy from the exhilaration. Nate texts immediately upon closing, "Home. Now. Celebrate". Three simple words, was all it took. We arrived at my building around the same time, since our firms were nearby. Grabbing my hand impatiently, with a small luggage in another, we head up to my apartment.

"Did you hear the announcement today", he asks with a broad smile on his face, placing his luggage down. I squealed in delight as he carries me and twirls me around the room. He gets me, understands me.

"Get ready for the ride of your life", I replied equally ecstatic. We made out with raw primal need as he rips open my chiffon button up shirt, the buttons scattered askew across my carpet floor as he hitches up my skirt and devours me. The euphoria from the stock market channelled into our sex, as we rocked our hips ravenously in unison till we reached our climax and orgasm.

"I have an insatiable desire to fuck you everyday", he proclaims coarsely, lying on top of me, crushing me with his weight after our mating session.

I tapped his arms lightly, hinting that his full weight on me was becoming heavy. He rolls over and repositions me on top of him while he strokes my hair slumberly as we lay on the carpet while catching our breath. After fifteen minutes or so, I got up and ran the shower, followed by him. I realised the luggage was for his toiletries, towel, two pressed suits, a pair of boxers and t shirts.

LUST, PRIDE AND OTHER FEELINGS Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora