Lights, Camera, Paparazzi. Chapter 22

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The next morning, I was awaken by non stop phone calls, no thanks to Sarah.

"Wake up, wake up", she fires immediately.

"What is it? ", I replied groggily.

"I sent you a link. Go check it out now".

"If it's not stock market related, or a matter of life and death, I'm going back to sleep", I grumbled.

"It's neither, either way you'd want to see it", she chirps.

I sighed, and forced my eyes open. The link she sent was a tabloid website. The headlines screamed, "New York's eligible billionaire bachelor last seen with an unidentified woman last night at the gala. Is Jake Parker off the single's shelve now? Stay tuned for the latest gossip".

"Have you seen it? ", asks Sarah impatiently.

I groaned, "Why did they choose the ugliest picture with both my eyes closed? Can I sue them for that defamatory picture? "

She bursts into laughter. "That's not all. Check out this other site. It even states your profession", she says sending another link.

"Wall Street's top female hedge fund manager snags the best blue chip billionaire in town. Rise of a new power couple?", states the other website in bold fonts.

The second picture was worse. My eyes were half opened this time. "I didn't snag him. He's the one courting me", I groaned. The last thing I need is to be a target of the paparazzi. I want a peaceful and quiet life.

"Maybe no one will recognize you. I mean, considering how unflattering the picture is and all", Sarah snickers in between her giggles.

"You're a real dick at times, Sarah", I burst into laughter. "On a serious note, I should call my lawyer now. See if I could seek an injunction banning these websites from publishing further rumours and pictures".

"Maybe you should speak to Jake first. I'm sure he has a team to fix this. This probably isn't his first time", Sarah suggests.

I agreed and called Jake after hanging up with Sarah.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to drag you into this. It'll be gone in half an hour", Jake says sounding apologetic.

"No worries, it's not your fault. Let me know when it's sorted, thanks", I replied.

True enough, the post was taken down as per his word and the rest of my Sunday was well spent catching up with rest.

I did not hear from Nate the whole day. Unwittingly, I have been in contact with him since the cruise party ended, without even realising it's been a daily affair.

Forming habits with him is a path to destruction. To be safe, I turned off my phone. Even having the slightest thought of him, are the first signs of an emotional hazard underway.

I took preventive measures and wore my oversized shades to work on Monday. I mean, as unphotogenic as I am, it's hard to get a bad shot wearing shades when half your face is concealed. Say goodbye to retarded half open eyes pictures.

Thomas barged into my room early in the morning with John trailing behind him.

"The end is nigh! ", he announces dramatically, lifting both hands in the air.

"Are you referring to the bear? ", I replied amused at his theatrics.

"Yes. Finally. Have you seen global futures? ", John says looking grim.

I turned my screen to their direction, "Looking at it now. I don't think we have a chance to sell, everything is gapped down in the morning".

"You're right. We might as well ride it through. Collect on low", replies John trying to remain calm.

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