Friends without benefits. Chapter 19

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Work was productive the next day. I was researching on a new company dealing with software. Their earnings were fantastic, on a steady year on year growth. It wasn't under my radar nor has it captured the attention of the public eye yet.

I have a hunch, this might be an undiscovered gem. Finding the right counter to buy is like striking a gold mine. The stock that's going to fly soaring heights, taking you along for the ride.

I decided to continue my reading at home and focus on the present market. Thomas, is now officially sporting panda eyes. The bull market was still strong and stubborn not wanting to give in to the bear.

"When will the crash come already", Thomas grumbles. "The market is playing with my feelings now", he continues ranting.

"Toying with your sleep too", John grins, adding salt to Thomas wounds.

"It's so unfair, John doesn't have any time difference in the markets that he monitor", complains Thomas.

John chuckles, "I'll gladly switch my currency portfolio with you. It's 24 hours a day in case you've forgotten".

Thomas grins sheepishly and kept silent after that.

Post market close, I have plans with Sarah. We met for retail therapy and coffee catch up session.

Sarah dressed differently today, barely recognizable in a black suit with matching pants. Her hair was styled in a sleek bun and she was sporting a pair of glasses.

"What have you done to my Sarah", I exclaimed dramatically, rocking her shoulders with my hands.

She giggles, peeling my hands away. "It's still me, silly. It's the first board meeting I had to attend today. I can't go in looking like Legally Blonde. Do I look serious? Menacing? Like the future CEO of the company?", she grins, striking a pose.

"More like a stoic front desk banker", I burst out laughing.

"Shit, I knew it. That's what I thought too. This is why we're going shopping today, you're better in this area of fashion", she replies, as we entered the shopping mall.

"All you need are cape coats, long jackets, open sleeved cloaks. High waisted palazzo work pants, pencil dresses and the list goes on", I grabbed a couple of items off the rack and she dutifully enters the dressing room.

While she was changing, Nate calls.

"Playing hard to get?", he greets merrily.

"No. Playing impossible to get", I replied bluntly.
He chuckles in amusement, "Let's go for a drink and have that talk".

"Can't, I'm out now. The talking can be done over the phone".

"Where are you and who are you with?", Nate asks.

Sarah comes out of the changing room asking for an opinion. I nod my head in approval and she closes the door to change into another outfit.

"It's alright, I already know. You're with Sarah", he continues, sounding pleased.

"Yes, I am. What is it that you want to talk about?".

"Well, I wanted to tell you.. Never mind, I'll call you later when you're alone. Send Sarah my regards", he replies cunningly before hanging up the phone, knowing very well it would leave me in curiosity. Nate knows my pet peeve, I absolutely detest being told things halfway.
Sarah emerges from the dressing room, with her arms filled with clothes. "You're my fairy God Mother. I'm getting them all", she announces happily. I grabbed a few pieces off the racks for myself and we proceed to pay for our purchases.

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