The last Goodbye. Chapter 13

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I woke up on Friday feeling bleak, an emotion I hardly come across on my favorite day of the week. Even the idea of a long weekend ahead due to the Washington Day public holiday on Monday barely made a difference.
Everyone else in the firm was in a jovial mood thanks to the extended weekend. Thomas gathered everyone around the conference room once the market closed to vote between the strip joint or a new club called Haute Société.

The latter won marginally, since there were a few female additions. "Brooke, you coming?", asks Thomas.

I was hesitant but agreed nonetheless. Afterall, what good would it do, moping at home on the night before Valentine's day. Though I always firmly believed it was an over commercialized celebration, neither did I want to be reminded of unrealistic lovesick advertisements.

"Great. See you later at 11pm", says Thomas.

I texted Sarah if she'd like to join us and she replies yes. "I'll pick you up today", she says adding a disclaimer that she has to leave early tonight for an early brunch with her grandfather tomorrow.

Throughout the day, Nate and I continued our unspoken game of phone calls. We had two different objectives. His was how long shall I resist and mine would be till when would he persist. I found myself falling into familiarity of his random calls. Though I did not answer, I was starting to anticipate when his next call would be.

Sneakily, he maintained his presence in my life, despite us not meeting nor speaking.

In spite his many calls, he never once left a text message, leaving a shroud of mystery hanging in the air, like a true master of mind games. I was beginning to feel curious, wanting to know what he intended to say.

Even then, I wasn't willing to surrender first.

I took my time to get ready that night, slipping on a satin beige camisole top, tucked into a black sleek ankle long high waist skirt. I did my usual smoky brown eye my make up, dabbed a light layer of blush and pale pink lipstick. I wore a solitaire teardrop diamond pendant with matching earrings.

Sarah arrived at 10.45pm in her Bugatti Chiron. The club venue was only a 15 minutes drive away. We entered via guest lists and head to Thomas's table at the VIP section where everyone is there already.

Haute Société was marketed as an upscale club targeting the elite crowd with a guest list entry only and a five digit minimum spend. The interior was posh with velvet drapes and sofas inspired by a Great Gatsby theme. Dimly lit crystal chandeliers hang from the ceiling and waitresses in feathered mask taking orders.

"You made it", says John, handing us a flute of champagne each.

"Better late than never. By the way, John this is Sarah", I introduced them both.

Thomas walks to us, casually slinging his arms around our shoulders, "Let's make a toast", rounding all our staff in a circle around the table.

"To a bull market", John lifts up his glass. "Cheers to that", I clinked glasses with him.

"And bigger, fatter bonuses", chirps in Brandon.

"To more sex and beautiful women", adds Thomas, garnering cheers from the junior boys.

I chuckled a little, our colleagues can be quite a fun bunch to hang out with occasionally. John and Sarah seemed to get along. Thomas was off wandering like a butterfly looking to suck nectar from an unsuspecting beautiful flower. The younger staff were at the dance floor.

I was talking to Brandon and his boyfriend Marcus, an aspiring fashion designer which I've met a couple of times. He was showing me his sketches that were surprisingly impressive, before Sarah grabs my hand and pulls me away.

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