Transition or Illusion? Chapter 11

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We slept till noon before leaving for New York the next day. I wore a plain grey comfortable tank top dress, shielding my eyes from the sun with oversized sunglasses.

Since we were yet to try the local cuisines, Nate requested to prepare Indonesian delicacies for our inflight meals before hand.

Needless to say, our lunch was divine. We curled up on the long couch and watched a movie. The inflight attendant hands us our champagne. "Kimmy, you can leave us alone now", Nate instructs and she nods knowingly disappearing into the cabin on the other end.

Once she was out of sight, he hitches my dress up easily, with a sly grin on his face. The hem of my dress rides above my thighs exposing my bare legs.

"Nate. You have a bedroom in your plane", I pointed out glancing to check if the cockpit area was closed, as he strips my lace underwear off me easily.

"Where's the fun in that?", he smirks roguishly unzipping his pants and parting my thighs open with amorous intent.

I gasped softly, as he enters without warning. "Ready for me as always", he says in his husky seductive voice, referring to my already dripping sex.

Moans eluded my lips, as he thrusts me expertly while I sprawled across the long couch, writhing wantonly beneath him.

He cups my mouth with his palm to conceal the noise, resulting to my inner rebellious streak to moan louder which apparently arouses him even more. I stared at him, my eyes glinting with mischief as he covers my mouth attempting to the muffle the sound.

He groans inwardly, "I have to fuck you hard and proper with that look on your face", scooping me up and entering the enclosed bedroom.

He maintains his hand over my mouth, meaning every word he said about fucking hard as I clawed the sheets, screaming pleasurably into his palm 38,000 feet above ground.

We laid motionless catching our breath after sex. "Seductress, mine", he murmurs, drawing me close to him, reposing my head on his chest.

"I guess you just popped my mile high club cherry".

"Glad to be your first of many", he grins broadly.

By the time we reached Manhattan, it was already Monday close to midnight. Frank picked us up from the airport and dropped us to my place. We were tired, jet lagged by the time we settled in.

We showered together to save time and head to bed early. It was back to the stock markets and reality from our weekend paradise.

It barely felt that I slept before the alarm rings. "Make that noise go away", he mumbles sleepily, covering his head with the pillow. I turned off the alarm and willed myself to get ready, waking him up when I was done.

Hurriedly, we went down to our separate cars and left for work. "I'll stay at your place tonight after work", he informs as we quickly kissed goodbye.

I bumped into a tired Thomas on the way up to our firm. "You look like hell", I smirked.

"You don't look like a 10 today either, Morgan", he responded light heartedly. "I literally just came from the airport. Linda kept me busy during the whole flight. I need a line of Charlie to wake up".

"Well I need my other C addiction now. My coffee".

"Good luck surviving the day", he replies. The elevator door opens and we head to our separate rooms.

Brandon comes in and hands me my fix. "Morning Brooke, here's all the news that has happened over the course of your absence. Market was pretty flat yesterday, you didn't miss out much", he says passing me notes and articles.

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