Bumbling Urouge!

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"So, when are you going to start?" Luffy asked.

"What the hell are they talking about?" Sanji thought.

"About now. Can you leave now?" Zoro asked politely.

"Fine. Tell me when it happens." Luffy commanded before he shut the door.

"Challenge starts again. Now." Zoro told Sanji.

"What were you-"

"Do you want to walk around the Thousand Sunny naked?" Zoro suddenly questioned.

So that was his dare.


"Good. I just have to say one more thing. Picture this situation in your head." Zoro continued. Sanji kept quiet to let Zoro's question out.

"Kaido has everybody in our crew strapped to a chair. He's about to kill us with his club. The only one that's free and isn't strapped to a chair is you. You have one key that can unlock the handcuffs that are trapping us on the chair. Who do you save? You can only save one person, mind you. Think hard about this, as when you answer this question, I'll know how you think, how you act, and I'll have a good suggestion on how your brain works." Zoro said. At this point, Sanji was pretty shocked on what Zoro had told him.

But if he wanted an answer...

He would get an answer.

Sanji took a deep breath in...

And spoke.


"Screw the club, and screw saving you guys." Sanji suddenly chuckled. This surprised Zoro, and it was now known with his facial expression. Even though Sanji couldn't really see him, he knew that Zoro was surprised with Sanji's answer.

"I'm going not for you guys, but straight for Kaido. If I can kill Kaido, then I'll be able to let all of you go instead of just one. There's no way that I'll only choose one person. Whoever I'll save, it'll be in vain as I still couldn't save the rest of the crew, and I was impartial to that person. I can't live with that conscience." Sanji admitted. But contrary to Sanji's belief, that was exactly what Zoro wanted to hear from Sanji. 

And Sanji knew it as well.

He could feel Zoro's grin, even though he couldn't see it.

It was apparent.

A light chuckle was heard outside of the cabin as Luffy stood there, leaning off the door. Sanji was getting pretty pissed off with this competition, as he wanted to leave as soon as possible.
He was getting pretty hungry, believe it or not.

He listened for anything - any kind of sign that showed that Zoro was doing worse than he was. But it was all in vain, as nothing could be heard with the amount of silence that Zoro was competing with. Zoro was really good at concentrating on specific successions, so this was actually more easier for him than Sanji.

Sanji was really regretting this.

"I need to get something to eat, but there's no way that I'm giving up on this challenge. This Marimo might have the weirdest challenge I have ever done before. He said something like walking around naked, and I ain't doing that." Sanji thought.

But something surprising happened. Zoro got up, as Sanji heard that creaking of the old rickety floorboards.

"Aaagh. Okay, I give up." Zoro groaned as he stretched his arms and calmed his muscles. Zoro opened the door, leading in a stray path of light as it the light crashed against Sanji's face, as he flinched with surprise.

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