Zoro's Thoughts! Nami Taken!

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"Are suggesting we kill them, Robin?" Sanji proposed, without his trademark respect for Robin, which surprised everybody.

"Yes, in fact, Sanji, that is what I'm suggesting. But we have to do it before midnight."

"Why?" Sanji questioned.

"That's when they leave."

"Hold on, Robin, there's got to be a different way to do this, what do you expect us to do, blow up the island?" Usopp chuckled. Robin turned around to look at Usopp. She smirked.

"Now, that you think of it, Usopp, that would be a good idea."

"I was being sarcastic, Robin. We're not actually going to-"

"I agree with Robin. It's the most logical idea that there is, Usopp. We should have enough Impact Dials to blow the island up, right?" Luffy turned his head towards Usopp.

"....Technically, yes, but we shouldn't-"

"Usopp, we're going to do it whether you like it or not." Luffy interrupted.

"But Luffy-" Chopper was cut off by Luffy.

"That's a captain's order."

"Luffy, you need to listen to us this time, Usopp and Chopper have the right idea, we shouldn't be-"

"THAT'S A CAPTAIN'S ORDER, AND THAT'S FINAL! THERE'S NO ARGUING ABOUT THIS ANYMORE! I AM YOUR CAPTAIN, AND YOU WILL DO WHAT I SAY! WE'RE GOING TO BLOW UP THAT ISLAND WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT! DO YOU HEAR ME?!" Luffy screamed at the top of his lungs as he then departed the cabin, a tear dripping out of his eye as he then took off his Straw Hat.


Luffy stormed out of the cabin, crashing the door as loud as he could and made his way into his own cabin. The Straw Hats stared in awe at Luffy's outburst. All except for Zoro. He was used to the shouting, and he had fully expected Luffy to be absolutely blast his voice out. He had literally reminded everybody about following their captain's orders before. 

They never did learn though.

Enies Lobby was literally a wake - up call to everybody in the Straw Hats. They were all happy - go - lucky when they heard that Usopp was coming back after leaving the Straw Hats for a trivial matter. Zoro had to give a speech about why Usopp had to apologise first.

"Nice job, guys. Real smooth." He commented all of a sudden.

"Shut up, you marimo!" Everybody screamed at him.

"You had the perfect chance to get Luffy on your side, and you just kept interrupting him with all of your lame excuses saying: 'We shouldn't kill anybody, we need to find another way that doesn't immediately make themselves slaves to Akainu.' But you blew it, and he knows it too. Didn't I already say that a crew who doesn't abide by his captain's orders will start to fall apart? I distinctly remember that in my head, I gave a full blown explanation about this when you were gone." Zoro nodded to Usopp. Everybody clenched their fists at this recurrence. They gritted their teeth; they wanted so hard to say something against him, but deep down inside of their hearts, they knew that he was right and that they couldn't argue with him.

"Dammit!" Nami yelled, as she sprinted out of the cabin. Zoro looked at her, wary of what she was going to do. She had no part in this, and barely said anything to contribute to the discussion. She was moot point to Zoro. Sanji ran after her like the simp he was, and the rest of the crew silently walked out back to their cabin's.

Zoro just stayed inside. He thought about how wild his adventure became when he joined Luffy as his first crewmember. He fought Dracule Mihawk...he learned to cut steel...he went to an island in the sky...he learned how to use Asura...he had to take Luffy's pain at Thriller Bark...he got sent halfway across the world by Kuma...he learned how to use Haki BY DRACULE MIHAWK...he cut a stone giant...he scarred Kaido and learned Conquerors...he got above 2 billion berries...he killed his father...everybody he loved died. Zoro frowned sadly at that last bit.

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