FILLER......(or not)

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"Who is that guy? How did he get here? Why does he have wings like the ones we saw on Sky Island, and why has nobody mentioned this question since you brought him here?" Sanji bombarded Zoro with questions.

"Well, he's Mad Monk Urouge, one of the Supernovas from Sabaody Archipelago." Zoro explained.

"Sabaody, eh?" Sanji sighed as he exhaled more smoke.

"Hm. When he get his conscience back, I'll happily challenge him to a fight." Zoro brandished his new Black Blades.

"So, can you answer the rest of my questions?" Sanji started puffing his cigarette again.

"Kay'. For your second question, he just...fell out of the sky, and the trajectory at which he fell was directly onto me. I caught him and brought him here. Mind you, he weighs about our weight combined, and if you double that, you won't get anywhere near his weight." Zoro pointed towards Sanji and himself. Sanji just looked at his feet.

"For your third one, I have absolutely no idea how in the world he managed to gain a pair of wings like those; maybe he was born with them, maybe he's from a Sky Island? I haven't a clue. Why no one has mentioned these questioned since I brought him into the medbay, I have no clue, again." Zoro explained further.

Sanji and Zoro then looked at the sun as the remnants of it disappeared over the night sky as the starry halo that was the moon rose to the top of the everlasting space on Earth. A loud shout pierced the thoughts of the wings though.

"Oi, you two outside! Urouge just woke up!" Chopper screamed.


"He did?" Zoro queried.

"Hm." Sanji affirmed without directly saying it.

"I'm going to go see him." Zoro immediately visioned.

"No, you stupid Marimo! He's just come back from rehabilitation of his fall!"

"Don't care." Zoro said simply.

"Nope! You're staying right here, where I can see you!" Sanji screamed.

Everybody was surprised to see him inside even though they also weren't surprised to see him for what he was actually worth. The first mate on their ship, contrary to popular belief, wasn't that smart. 

I'm just kidding; Zoro couldn't tell his left between his right.


I mean, if your own navigator tells you to walk up stairs to find your crewmate, the last thing that you should be doing is running off in the other direction like you don't care.

Who do you think you are, Roronoa Zoro?

"Shut up, stupid author. Don't break the fourth wall." Zoro departed.

Yeah, that's true, I'm-

. . . 


I created this book. You are alive in this book because of me. Now know your place, you stupid character who can't tell his left from his right.

"What did you say, you-" Zoro screamed.



Unless you want to be erased from this book, I suggest you stay put. And I'll do it in the worst possible way.

Zoro growled, and he huffed as he walked away into the doctor's cabin, to see Urouge. Sanji snickered the tiniest bit of noise as he brought out a cigarette.

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