Enel meets Akainu!

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"I'm going to ask you this one more time." Enel gulped.

"Where. Is. The. Poneglyph?" Club enunciated every word.

"I don't-"



"I can easily dispose of you when the time comes. Thank god my crew isn't here and are too busy trying to find its whereabouts. They would ravage you if you didn't comply." Club smirked. Enel gulped once more, then finding courage to break free of his shackles and wave his down

"Screw you." Enel exclaimed, as he waved his hands and shouted at Club.

"100-Million Volt Dragon!" He screamed, as CLub smirked once again.

"Idiot." He murmured.

Club took the full brunt of the attack and stayed still. No sound was heard, but Enel's cackling. But his cackle turned into a shocked face when he saw Club the Tornado standing in front of him.

He looked different though.

His teeth -no- fangs, protruding out of his mouth. His skin and his flesh turning into a furry bark. His chest expanded and he groaned as it happened.

"What...what...what are you?" Enel questioned.

"Tora Tora No Mi: Model - Saber Tooth." Club calmly announced as he then strutted over to Enel, who was frozen in fear, and bit him in the neck, the blood seeping out as soon as it had reached the pinnacle of injury. Enel slumped down onto the ground as his heart started to beat slower and slower and slower.


"A pity, Enel. If only you weren't a distraction. And you should've known that I don't care about the Straw Hat, I care about the Pirate Hunter. And with my Haki, I'll finally be able to bring justice to King." He ended.


See, if this were the book of wonder and fairytales, Luffy and his crew would've found the One Piece when they left Wano. They would've lived a happy life as a crew and after a few more years of travelling, then they would go out to sea, accomplishing the goals they had set out in hand with Luffy. Luffy would eventually become the pirate king and drink sakè with Sabo next to his brother's grave, overlooking the sunset. 

But as the author of this book, I can tell you that this is NOT the book of fairytales. This is a book of adventure. 
And what could be more adventurous than death?

Lucky for you, death is right around the corner for the Straw Hat Pirates as one of their most closest friends will perish. 

Death is right around the corner.

Death is right around the corner.


The Straw Hats stared at he two duelists laying on the sandy floor of the beach. Chopper gasped as Zoro and Urouge were knocked unconscious by the recoil of their attacks.

That's right. 

Zoro got an attack in just in time. Straight through Urouge's chest and shoulder. But he was on the receiving end of one of the most lethal blows in history. 

One that had snapped his spine in half.

"ZORO!" Luffy called out as he bombarded over the side of the ship at ran towards Zoro. All of Zoro's bones felt dislocated at the touch as his pupils dilated backwards to face. Luffy slung Zoro over his back as he then ran towards the Thousand Sunny and delivering him to Chopper who immediately rested him on a bed and lifted a defibrillator onto Zoro's mouth. 

"He's losing blood, he's losing blood, HE'S LOSING BLOOD!" Chopper screamed.

Sanji and Franky just stared at Zoro in confusion at what had just happened.


How had he lost?

And what were they going to do with Urouge? He was still there. Just laying on the sand. 

Sanji calmed down. Screaming wasn't going to get them anywhere.

"Calm down!" Sanji screamed. He knew that they had to keep a level head, or Zoro's condition was going got get worse. 

"Screaming is only going to make his condition worse!" Sanji 's voice echoed through the Straw Hats. That shut them up as Chopper continued to work on Zoro's failing body. 

"And what should we do about him?" Sanji pointed to Urouge. Luffy just sighed simply.

"Bring him in too."


"You should've told me this beforehand, Akainu. This is an important matter. You're the Fleet Admiral, are you not?" A wrinkly voice sounded off the blaring of a ship that had crossed the Red Line.

"Shut up, you old hag. I had no idea the conflict between Red-Hair and Kid had even reached our ears. It turns out he's been living off Elbaf for a while now." Akainu resonated. He spoke to the 5th elder, Saturn. 

"If only I was younger, I could've released my power a bit more on those young ones." Saturn looked disappointed and flailed down to his right hand, wrapped in bandages, as Akainu sighed.

"The end of this journey is very close. These people need to know that justice is absolute and that it never falls. This is the word of the lord." Akainu muttered.

"I never took you for a supporter of god, Akainu." Saturn responded.

"No, no, no. I'm an atheist." 

"Are you really?"


"Good. Because if I find out that you take orders from another person above our status...I don't know what I would do with you, Akainu." Saturn's words sent a shiver down Akainu's spine.

"But it's okay. I believe you. For now."

"I need some action. I'm bored, Saturn."

"Then why don't you go interrogate that guy that was captured a few hours ago. He fell from the sky and is rumoured to have had a Logia Devil Fruit and mumbling the words 'Mugiwara', 'I won't forgive you', and 'Club'. It seems like your area of expertise." Saturn revealed.

"Saturn..." Akainu mumbled.

"Those words are music to my ears." He considered. Akainu trudged down towards the basement where the mysterious person was held, again bound in seastone.

"What's your name?" Akainu asked gruffly.

"Enel...who are you?" A knock-off Eminem responded.

"Somebody who can get you out of here." 


"I heard that you won't forgive Mugiwara for something. Care to elaborate?" Akainu drew up a chair and sat on it, in front of Enel.


"Ok." He chuckled.

"I have a deal for you. You give me your Devil Fruit, and I'll give you the Mugiwara. I've heard good things about it." Akainu compensated.

"AS IF. I'VE SWALLOWED IT ALREADY. YOU'LL HAVE TO KILL ME!" Enel screamed of insanity.

"I'm considering that right now."


"You see, if a Devil Fruit user dies, then their Fruit is reincarnated somewhere else around the Earth. I want your fruit that apparently sets up Lightning. The marines are interested in this; as this fruit has the destructive power we need, and to conquer the world."


"Let me kill you."

"WHAAAAAT?" Enel screamed.

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