Fight, fight, fight, fight

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"What makes you say that?" Kashi sounded monotone. He narrowed his eyes.

"Years of struggling because of you makes me say that." Zoro finally looked up at his so - called father.

"Zoro, I know that your past was as bad as it gets, but that doesn't mean we can't be a family again."

"We were always a family." Zoro squinted in question to Kashi.

"What type, Zoro?" Suke joined in to this conversation.

"The type that tries to kill each other, Suke." Zoro exaggerated.

Suddenly, Kashi tried to hook Zoro in the cheek.

"No!" Chopper shouted from behind the doors that kept the sunlight out of the hallway. Everybody widened their eyes and 'ssshhhhed' him. But it was too late.

Zoro grabbed the fist that Kashi had led astray because of Chopper's exclamation. Kashi's focus had also been diverted to the figures hiding behind the door's. Zoro let go of Kashi's fist.

"Who is that? Reveal yourself!" Kashi and Ruto exclaimed.

"It's okay, the Straw Hats are a little late to the party." Zoro lounged back in his chair as a wild smirk grew across his face.


"Straw Hats?" Kashi questioned.

"You mean those pirates that we chucked inside the confinement cell? Nope, they're still in there. I checked about an hour ago and ALL of them were unconscious and slumped on one side of the room." Suke replied.

"Nope, they're right outside. They've been listening since I checkmated all three of you." Zoro laid back on his seat, his arms crossed in a v - like motion. Joben darted his eyes between Zoro, Kashi and the door that the Straw Hat crew were behind. 

"Come out at once!" Kashi snapped loudly.

The Straw Hats were now dead silent as they held their breath to not be heard by the Shimotsuki.

"That's what I thought. Low - class pirates wouldn't have the audacity to come out and try to fight one of the most influential families in the whole entire world. But then again, they are just low -  class pirates. They know not a thing about a formation of importance or do they know anything about seriousness. They only know how to pillage and loot and steal. That's all that pirates are good for." Kashi repeated. At once, every person, (apart from Zoro), looked at Luffy to see him with his arms folded and his infamous Straw Hat covering his eyes. He had no emotion stationed on his face and he grew an irk mark on his forehead.

"Luffy, are you okay?" Usopp asked carefully. Luffy, however, didn't respond. Kashi's last two sentences that he had spoke replayed in his mind. His whole mindset was now taken over by those two sentences. He was angry.

Really Angry.

He couldn't change his mind to anything else but Zoro's father. He could now see why Zoro hated him. Kashi, in Luffy's eyes, was detestable. The absolute scum of the Earth. 

"Hey, Kashi." Zoro called out.

"What?" He snapped back.

"Wrong choice of words." Zoro closed his eyes as sunlight reflected off of a window and onto his eyes. 


Luffy, in a blinding fit of rage, catapulted himself towards Kashi, going past the 4 siblings inside the throne room.

It was at this moment that Kashi knew that he had messed up badly.

Thankfully though, he used his Advanced Observation Haki to make sure that he dodged the shot well enough that he was underneath Luffy and could counter with a heavy punch to the gut, causing Luffy to crash into the grand throne at the end of the room.

"You see, Zoro? This is what I was talking about; pirates only move one way, and that's backwards. This pirate captain is supposed to be a Yonko, but yet he cannot manage to get a hit off me, more so to even try and touch me!" Kashi exclaimed.

"You need to believe me here, I-" He was interrupted by a sharp punch to his jaw as Luffy had gotten back up and pummeled him into a wall made of marble.

"And there it is." Zoro muttered.

"Hey! Stand down immediately!" Suke took provocative action in trying to reason with Luffy.

"Yeah, we don't want to hurt you. You only hurt Dad by chance!" Ruto explained. Luffy was breathing faster and heavier by the second.

"Luffy? Is something wrong?" The Straw Hats came over to check on their captain, who was looking pretty devilish at the moment. Luffy just stopped his heavy breathing and looked over to Kashi, where he was getting out of the rubble of the wall he had crashed into.

"Don't stop me...I'll finish him off. Nobody berates me and my family and expects to get away with it." Luffy commanded menacingly.

"You dummy, nobody's stopping you, we just want to help you." Nami declared, drawing out her Clima Tact. Luffy grinned and jumped back at Kashi. The rest of the crew followed suit but the rest were all stopped by the three brothers, Suke, Ruto and Joben.

"Leave us alone! This has nothing to do with you!" Sanji exclaimed.

"Then again, it doesn't have anything to do with you either." Ruto snarled.

"We'll be your opponents for today, Straw Hats!" Suke remarked.

"IFRIT JAMBE!" Sanji screamed instantly. Suke blocked the burning foot. He had a good grip on Sanji, so he swung him around and around until he finally released him, throwing him into the window and out onto the other side of the castle.

Suke chased after Sanji.

"Ruto, Joben, handle the rest!!" Suke jumped through the window to face Sanji outside in the backyard.

"Joben, it's time to choose your side, who will you fight for? Your family? Or these pirates?" Kashi asked loudly while still fighting Luffy. 

"Hey! DON'T TALK TO ANYBODY WHILE I'M FIGHTING YOU, YOU FAKE KING!" Luffy reminded him with a kick to the gut.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME, YOU LITTLE BRAT?" Kashi roared with anger.

"I'll side with you, Dad, don't worry." Joben nervously replied. 

Zoro widened his eyes.

"At least he's got some guts." Zoro thought.

He then went to get a beer while everyone was too busy fighting.

Sanji was taking on Suke, Luffy was taking on Kashi, Joben was trying to take on Usopp, Brook and Franky, while Ruto took on Robin and Nami AND Chopper. There was a whole lot of fighting going on in the throne room. 

Usopp used his Kabuto's every few minutes when Joben was getting pressured by Franky, who was using his Strong Right and Cola Attack. When he was cornered by the both of them, Brook would use his Soul Parade to freeze Joben. 

But having a 1 billion berry bounty is not something that you are overrated for. Joben broke free of Brook's Soul Parade and punched the ground hard, covering his punch in Armament Haki, and making the impact much more wild, with debris flying everywhere.

Ruto was a different story. He was absolutely DOMINATING Nami, Robin and Chopper. Chopper's Monster Point was just a double - edged sword for swift and nimble opponents like Ruto. Ruto could attack hard and be quick on his feet at the same time. Robin and Nami weren't exactly helping either. Nami's Thunderbolt from her Clima Tact was powerful as Zeus had merged with it during Nami's time in Wano, but then again, Chopper was a double - edged sword. He could be hit so easily with anything that Nami threw at Ruto.

Robin was a wildcard against Ruto. Her Jacuzzi Clutch wouldn't have worked against a person that was fast, and also, they didn't want another Monster Point Chopper - sized being fighting against a small nimble human being. She tried to sprout hands anywhere out of Ruto's body, but he really was quick. He escaped Robin snapping his neck with a Clutch, and he managed to somehow avoid Robin's Armament  - Coated Gigantemascho Slap.

They were already down one member. This was getting harder and harder for the Straw Hat Pirates.

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