Saga 2: Zoro's Going To Become a Lawyer

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3 days after Kashi's death.


"Is Zoro alright?" Chopper asked worriedly.

"Just give him some time. His home was wiped out and now he's the last of the Shimotsuki." Nami persuaded everybody out of Zoro's cabin. Zoro was lost in thought, his head tucked between his arms, as he sat at a table, thinking about what had actually happened to Shimotsuki Palace and his last surviving brother.

Everyone was shocked at the recent news. Akainu had wiped out Shimotsuki Island. The Straw hats were lucky that they had left a few hours before Akainu had docked in the Shimotsuki Island. After Zoro had apologised to the crew, he had given Joben a Dendenmushi that had a direct link to the Straw Hats' communication's cabin. The had no idea how Joben had no time to send a simple message saying that the Shimotsuki needed help.

Did Akainu have to resort to using an actual Buster Call? 

No, he would never. Akainu was the Fleet Admiral now, he would've had to send someone else, and who better to do the job than the admirals.

Greenbull. Fujitora. Kuina. Aokiji. Kizaru. 

"Since Greenbull was sacked since the end of the fight with those two Yonko, Kaido and Big Mom, it wasn't him, he would've been registered as a criminal. We would have seen an immediate bounty for Greenbull. Fujitora is a kind and just man, he wouldn't have done this, unless we've just completely missed something about him. Kuina...I actually have no idea if she had actually done this, I only just met her about one week ago and she told me that she was suddenly a Navy Admiral. I don't buy it being her, though. Aokiji; I have actually nothing on him. Since he lost a fight with Akainu back when the Marineford War had ended, he quit being a marine and became a criminal, but we haven't heard from the Government about a bounty for Aokiji. Now that I mention it, we did see him when we went to fight Z and his pirate - free zone of crewmembers. But that was the last of him that we know of." 

"Kizaru seems to be the most likely option. He never gives a crap about anything that anyone says; the only thing he does is take orders and then he delivers them. But if Kizaru did do it, he probably did it with some help, like a Vice - Admiral. Kuina told me that the World Government was practically planning to attack Shimotsuki Palace because they didn't give resources to the World Government. But when a new ruler was reinstated to the Shimotsuki, they didn't stop the attack. Was Kuina feeding information to them? She is an admiral, after all. It's her job to relay information back to Akainu. Kuina knew that we were going to Shimotsuki Palace, maybe she reported that to him? If that's so, then there would be more of an incentive for the World Government to come to Shimotsuki Palace, of course they would want to take out a Yonko crew that consisted of a Yonko, a price of the Vinsmoke, a Former Warlord, and someone who was wanted by the World Government for years and because she can also read Poneglyphs. There's also that we defeated two of the Yonko and survived." Zoro thought immensely, ignoring Chopper and Nami, who were just outside of his cabin, along with the rest of the crew.

"There's about a 10% chance that Greenbull attacked the Shimotsuki Palace, 5% for Fujitora, 10% chance for Kuina, who is a bit iffy at this point, 10% chance for Aokiji, and about 65% that it was Kizaru. I could make a case for Akainu, but I seriously, seriously doubt it. I - Oh, my god. I'm starting to sound like a lawyer who's making an internal monologue." Zoro finished his thinking.

"Oh, my god..." He made his voice crack as his tone droned on.

"WHY AM I TURNING INTO A LAWYER?" Zoro questioned loudly, so that everybody on the Thousand Sunny could hear him.

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