Chapter 15 - Shizue and The Empire of Monsters

Start from the beginning

Amongst the crowd, one group stood particularly tall. With his head raised high, and his snout even higher, Gabiru, the Lizardmen representative strutted to his seat next to Veldora. Following behind them, Benimaru, the representative of the Ogre clan, entered the room, surrounded by a commanding aura of strength. He strode to the seat opposite of Gabiru's.

Both the Ogres and the Lizardmen had made significant contributions to the war effort against the Orc Lord, and as such, were granted their seats at the very end of the room.

Following them, a meeker group. A small group of Rabbitmen; a female 'warrior', the chief, and the Elder, accompanied by a few guards. They didn't stand out, and blended into the rest of the crowd. Not that they would want to stand out, anyways. Especially with the next arrival, the Dryads.

From behind Veldora's 'throne', a cacophony of vines erupted from the ground, dancing in the air until they coalesced into the shape of three large cocoons. On cue, each one revealed one of the Dryad sisters, standing completely still behind their lord.

After a few minutes, the last group arrived. The atmosphere in the room grew notably tense as the Orcs stepped into the meeting hall. Many in the hall were warriors who fought in the war, and they clenched their fist in rage, remembering the conflict. Worse so, some representatives were those from settlements that were trampled by the advancing Orc army, and they had to be restrained by their subordinates to prevent them from lashing out in rage.

The leader of the Orc's party walked with his head hung low as he made is way to his seat, directly beside the Master himself.

Finally, after everyone had settled down, all eyes rested upon the lord of this land, Veldora Tempest, awaiting what he had to say. Will he declare that every tribal chief be given a name? Will he strike down the Orcs with capital punishment? Or will he devolve into one of the food/manga driven rants that he so often does when faced with a serious situation?

Veldora's answer was:

"Kua-ha-ha-ha! Listen here, fools! Everyone shall now refer to me as 'Divine Emperor Rimuru Tempest'!"


Veldora POV:

"It's a great title, is it not!? Truly one befitting of a being as great as I!"

In my opinion, this speech should have satisfied everyone here! But reality disagrees with me, and the expectant gazes that these poor denizens of my forest were giving me now possess a small trace of disappointment, and maybe exasperation. Oh no, looks like I have to rectify things.

"*ehem* O-of course, that isn't all. As for the Orc's situation, I plan on fully pardoning every orc from punishment-"

Oops. It seems I might have caused quite the uproar.

"The orcs stampeded my village! They trampled our houses, our fields, and left us out in the wild! And you're just going to let them get away with it!?" The old chief of a small monster village yells in rage.

"Yeah! We fought tooth and nail against those pigs so that we could subjugate them, and now you're just gonna let them go free!?" A large, gruff sounding bovoid agreed.

Many more voices of complaint were heard, but were quickly silenced by the dryads.

"We understand your anger towards the orcs, but I ask that you please remain silent now. Allow our lord to speak first, do not forget who's soil you so arrogantly stand upon." The command from a dryad quickly shuts up all voices of dissent among the crowd.

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