What's the one thing you've always wanted to do but couldn't because of your show's schedule?

Most of her bobbed black hair was tied in a bun, the layer of hair that was too short to be tied up grazed the water as the medium sunk a little further. The monk and priest's words from the day before floated through her mind as she leaned her head against the wall behind her.

What did you want to do when you were little? You couldn't have always wanted to be a medium.

"I can't exactly become a princess in my time off," she muttered with a roll of her eyes. She bobbed her head and hummed along to the melody of the ballet. "What can I do instead?"

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to the teenager, just a few rooms over her mother sat at a desk typing away on her laptop. She certainly didn't look as put together as she normally did. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun with a pen sticking out of it, an oversized pink t-shirt along with a pair of yoga pants replaced her usual pantsuit, and to complete the look were the smudged wire framed glasses slowly sliding down her nose.

She reached behind her head for the pen that was stored in her hair and made several hasty scribbles in the notebook next to her computer. "Well, what do you know?" she thought aloud, tapping the blunt end of her pen against her chin. "Kazuya Shibuya as my daughter knows him, doesn't exist."

She used her pen to push up her glasses. "Just who are you, Mr.Shibuya? What are you hiding?"


Saturday April, 1:56 P.M.

It was a quiet day at SPR's office on this particular Saturday. Not that weekends were ever particularly busy, but ever since the theater gave the credit to their success to the ghost hunters, many people had been coming to the branch to report their own phenomena. Now that the play had been finished for a while now, the claims were less frequent.

Finally, no more crazy cat ladies, Mai thought with relief as she set the kettle on the stove. She opened the cabinet in search of mugs when she came across two that she hadn't seen used in a long time.

With very careful hands, she pulled out the pink mug and gingerly turned it to look at it. It was very childish, a present from that previous Christmas after she managed to break a few of their clay mugs. Its plastic makeup made it rather durable, yet she held it as though it might shatter anyway. A smile graced her lips before she sat it down on the counter and looked up to find the mug she had given to her employer that same Christmas. It was also a little childish but more in a novelty way with its not-so-menacing ghost next to his name.

Onto the counter it went as the high schooler busied herself with finding the teapot and the tealeaves to go in it. It's about time we used those mugs again, a new start, she told herself as the kettle whistled and she pulled it quickly off of the stove.

After dropping off Naru's mug on his desk she returned to her own to finish her own paperwork. Absently she glanced down at her wrist. I haven't worn that bracelet that Madoka got me in a very long time. Where did I put it? She wondered as she looked through the drawers of her desk.


Now that Yasuhara had his car back from the shop, he had to admit that Mai's warning had made him more than a little jumpy. Even when he didn't have the car, the sight of a white sedan always seemed to make him do a double take. Of course he didn't tell Mai, that would only worry her, nor did he tell Kiko, about any of it. He didn't see a need to.

Mai wasn't known to have precognitive visions, there was a chance that this one was just in reference to the case she was just on or one in the future. He remembered the case the previous summer where she had a vision of the past in which their team all played parts in. However, Yasuhara wasn't going to test fate so he just kept his guard up.

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