Curse of a Psychic

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Chapter 3-Watery Grave

July Day 3 8:00 A.M,

"Gah!" she cried as she rolled off her bed hitting the floor.

Looking at the bed next to her, she saw it was unmade and empty. What happened? she silently wondered.

Standing up, she remembered falling asleep waiting at base, then her dream. How did she end up in her room? How long had she slept?

After changing her clothes, Mai headed to base, not surprisingly, she found her boss and co-assistant there. "You overslept, I need tea," Naru ordered, amazed as his employee disobeyed him.

She wasn't sure why she didn't go get his tea, something told her this needed to be done first. She sat at the table across from her insomniac boss. "Naru, I had a dream," she said, gaining his attention.

He motioned Lin to record what she said, as he gestured her to continue. After she explained, he sat there deep in thought.

"I know it was one of the murders that happened, but there was something off about it," Mai added after a moment.

"Such as?"

"His eyes. They were empty, like he was being controlled."

Naru sat in his thinking pose for a while, before he spoke. "Mai, tea."

Some things never change.


After giving Naru his tea, Mai sat in the kitchen eating breakfast with the others. She finished explaining her dream as Sakura took her youngest out of the room. "So, one of the murders involve possession," Monk said.

"Maybe a lot of them involved possession," John suggested, putting his dish in the sink.

"That would explain why so many have died," added Yasuhara.

"But, Masako, you said you only sensed two spirits," Ayaka pointed out, the medium nodded.

"Don't forget, Monk tried to exorcise the place before you got here," Kiko replied.

"Well, it's nice to see that I'm not the only one to have failed an exorcism," Ayako mocked.

"As I recall, you only had one that was successful," Monk scoffed.

"In any case, if there was anything possessing Satoshi, it's gone now," Masako said before a fight could commence.

"What if it was just one spirit possessing the murderers?" John offered.

"That would explain why he wants Kiko to die," Monk added.

"But he only killed the owners up to this point," Yasuhara said. "Wouldn't it make more sense to go after Kiko's parents?"

"What Sakurako told us a couple days ago would make sense," Mai replied. "She said the spirit was angry with their great-grandmother."

"What was the original owner's name?" Ayako asked.

"From what we found, no documents said his name," Yasuhara answered.

"But that lake and cliff you mentioned, when we got here I didn't see anything like that," Monk said, as Kiko's head popped up.

"Did the lake have a border of grass or of sand?" she asked.

"Mai, I think you may have done it again," Monk grinned.

"Actually, there were patches of both mainly sand and then grass around the cliff," Mai explained, Monk's face dropped.

"And the moment is lost," Yasuhara commented.

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