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Chapter 5-Romania?

March Day 3, 4:02 P.M.

"Naru left his voice recorder?" Ayako asked skeptically as she and Monk walked into room 432. "Since when is he that careless?"

"Well," Monk said, picking up the recorder. "Let's stop recording before we both get in trouble." He pressed the red stop button as he earned a scowl from the priestess. Then he shrugged. "I don't know why he did it, I just know he texted me asking if I would grab it after our E.V.P. session. But something must have happened for him to leave it recording."

"Where are they now?" The priestess's brows furrowed. Monk chewed on his cheek as they headed out of the room.

"We passed Base before getting here and I didn't see them," he answered thoughtfully. "Unless they were in the other elevator and we missed them."

Beep. Beep.

"Is that them?"

Monk shrugged, pulling his phone from his pocket only to shake his head. "Just Yasuhara, the rain's starting to let up so he and Kiko are on their way back. Hopefully, they found something." He quickly responded to the text and put the phone in his pocket. "Hey, do you think Madoka was right about them being the most convincing?"

But Ayako didn't hear him, something else was on her mind. When it finally registered that she had been asked a question. "Sorry, I was just trying to figure out where Naru and Mai went," she said with knitted brows and pursed lips. "Something happened that made them stop the session and book it out of there. But where did they go?"

"You're right," Monk agreed sliding the voice recorder in his pocket and crossing his arms. "I would assume that they would go back to Base, I saw Madoka in there. Maybe they did go down and she said it was perfect timing for a couples session?"

"What the hell is a couples-" Her eyes grew wide as she stopped short. A chill went down her spine. "You don't think they-"

Monk managed to laugh heartedly earning a scowl from the woman. "You're kidding right? Naru's pissed enough as is with this case. There's no way that Madoka could convince him-"

"What if Madoka didn't convince him?" She bit her lip as her mind flashed to a scene just two cases ago.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, however you like to see it, Monk also had the same scene playing in his head. Shaking his head of the thought, a chill went down his spine. "Let's check Base again. Check the cameras, we can at least see where they've gone."


"Ow! Stop!" Came a whimper.

"Hold still, Mai." Came an order.

"But it hurts!" Came a whine.

"If you would stay still and relax it won't be as painful."

"Says the one who doesn't have to go through this." A grumble.

"You're going to get blood everywhere."

"You're going to get smacked if you aren't gentler."

"Do you want your back to get infected?"

Mai gave a huff in defeat. Naru simply rolled his eyes and let out a sigh. They were in the bathroom of their shared room, with the injured party sitting on the toilet letting her "husband" dress the cuts. Or did you think something else was going on?

The brunette scrunched her face as Naru cleaned the cuts with peroxide. She clutched the towel she held closer to her chest. She was thankful she didn't have to ask Naru to turn around when she took off her shirt. He did it without a word.

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