Break A Leg

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Chapter 4-All A Con

"Mai!" a voice hissed. Suddenly she didn't feel herself falling back anymore. No, something had grabbed her waist and she was falling forward.

She didn't open her eyes until she had stopped falling. The snow had soaked the shins of her jeans, but her upper half was pressed against a very muscular wall. It wasn't until she stopped moving that she opened her eyes and looked up. "Mai, what the hell were you thinking!"

"Naru?" she cocked her head and furrowed her brow. "Why don't I have shoes on?" was her first question. She looked around them, still perfectly content with lying on top of him. "How did I get on the roof?" was her second question. She then looked back at him. "How did you know where to find me?"

"You took them off in the attic. Obviously, you walked up the stairs and climbed out the window. And I noticed the window was open on the camera," he answered, earning a pout at his jab of her intelligence. "If you are fine, get off of me."

"Actually, I'm pretty comfortable right here," she responded smugly.

"I highly doubt Shouta would approve of this," he jabbed at her.

She closed her eyes and rolled them, before getting up. "He probably wouldn't, but whatever," she muttered.

Naru followed suit, brushing off the snow from his legs. "Rough patch?" he asked, as she walked to the window.

She rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Geez! No! It's not a 'rough patch!'" she exclaimed, climbing back into the attic. "We had a couple of small disagreements, it doesn't mean we're breaking up! Where does everyone get these ideas from!" She was panting now. She realized from the look on her employer's face that she was not quite herself. She took a deep breath. "Sorry, this isn't a topic for work. Let's drop it. Did Masako find anything at the gravesite?"

Naru followed her into the attic and locked the window behind him. "She sensed a spirit there, but it was attached to the cemetery, whether it was Oiwa or not we don't know, but we know it isn't what's causing the activity here," he answered as they headed down the stairs, "What's worse is while you were up here Hoshiko was attacked again. One of the cameras you set up on the bridge earlier fell over and nearly hit her."

"What did Masako say?" she asked, shoving her shoes back on.

"She says it couldn't have been a spirit, that the camera must not have been secure and fell over."

"Not likely, I saw you go up and check it last night," she returned, folding her arms. "The camera angle never changed the whole time and there were enough light fluctuations and movements the last couple of days to ensure that the feed wasn't being looped or frozen." She stopped just a few steps from the bottom and looked up at her boss. "Could we be dealing with a poltergeist?"

"You were just on the roof and you think we have a poltergeist?" Naru challenged, raising a brow.

"Well, by definition, we are dealing with a 'noisy spirit' and several stressed young adults either in adolescence or just past it," she countered, ignoring his remark. "And I haven't seen you pull that light experiment since the Kimura case over the summer."

"That doesn't explain why you were on the roof and have no memory of it," Naru answered, stepping down to the stair she was on. "You think we're dealing with a poltergeist caused by one of the actors?"

"Or crew," she added. "It's the most logical explanation for Masako to not sense anything yet we have activity." She leaned against the railing. "If you think I'm as idiotic for saying it as when we were on the Minnie Case then prove me wrong."

"It's a good thing you thought to put a camera up there," was his response as he continued down the stairs.

Perplexed, Mai just watched as he was about to round the corner. "Why?"

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