Post Case 3

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Post Case 3- Intruder?

January Friday 6:14 P.M.

Winter vacation has come to an end and Mai had just finished her first week back in school. She had skipped yet another session with Hozumi, and she was a little angry with herself for doing that. Her nightmares were still present, but luckily she could go back to sleep faster or just sleep through them until it became dreamless. She made a promise to the young man that she would definitely be at their next session that coming Sunday.

She was doing some paperwork while Naru was drinking his fifth cup of tea since she arrived that afternoon. She felt her phone buzz in her pocket. Looking up, both Lin and Naru's doors were shut and only the sound of typing could be heard from either. She pulled out her phone.

Hey, what are you doing tomorrow? It read. It was none other than Shouta.

I work until three, then I'm hanging out with Mich and Kei. Why? she responded.

Katsuo and Ren invited us to the movies for a double.

Now, Mai had met Katsuo and Ren a couple of times. Both of them were Shouta's age and went to University with him. They were both nice to hang out with, but she got a weird feeling like she was too young to be with them. Almost like Ren didn't really like her.

Sorry, I can't cancel again. We haven't hung out in a while.

You hung out during break. Besides with school back in session, you get to see them all the time. The movie isn't until 8.

He did have a point. With school and work taking all of her time, it was getting increasingly harder to spend time with him. Surely, Keiko and Michiru would understand if she left early.

Okay, I can make that work.

Great! I'll see you tomorrow! I love you!

Love you too!

Mai put her phone away as she heard the door to her boss's office open. "How's the paperwork?" Naru asked.

"Actually, I'm finished," she said, closing the file. "I even called the Ishikawa's for a follow-up. They are doing well, just a little tired with Daisuke. They want us to come and visit sometime, apparently they are going to redo the garden once spring comes, they have the blue prints all ready for it. Probably to get rid of the memory of what had occurred there."

"Did you-"

"Write up the report?" she finished for him and handed him a folder. "Typed, printed, and filed both in the computer and in this folder. The case is officially closed."

"Good work," he answered, taking the folder and examining her report briefly.

"Anything else you would like me to do?" Mai asked, sitting back in her seat. Now that she thought about it, she wasn't quite sure when her modest desk had upgraded to have a computer, along with a printer and filing cabinet, she even had her own swivel chair like her boss's. When did that happen?

"Actually, You're free to go for the night, Lin and I were planning on closing early anyway," Naru replied, tucking the folder under his arm.

"Oh?" Mai's face did nothing to hide her surprise. "Is there a reason we are closing early on a Friday night? Got a hot date or something?" She teased.

"You sound like Madoka," Naru sighed, heading for his office. "If you must know, Madoka planned a dinner with someone who is both a family friend and a friend of the business."

"A likely story," she teased as he closed his office door and she packed up her things and got ready to leave. Her backpack was packed and she was putting on her coat as she heard Lin cease his typing and most likely getting ready to leave as well. "Good night, guys! I'll see you tomorrow morning!"

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