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Chapter Three-Braids

August Day 2, 9:30 A.M.

"Why is it so hot, Miss Mai?" an eight year old girl asked, as Mai braided her bluish black hair.

"Because it's summer, it's always hot during this time," Mai laughed, as the other girls were completing their arts and crafts, waiting for their turn to have their hair braided.

"But it's so hot!" the girl whined a little, then started laughing. "Can't we go swimming?"

"Aiko, you know the lake is closed this summer," Setsuko replied, braiding another girl's hair. "You're lucky Mai and I decided to braid your hair out of your face."

"Setsuko!" Aiko whined then burst out laughing.

"Ooh! Hey! Can we go exploring in the woods later! Before lunch!" a little girl with her redish brown hair tied into two braids pleaded, jumping up and down.

"I don't know, Kasumi. Setsuko?" Mai turned to her companion, who tried shaking her purple bangs out of her face.

"We're not really supposed to go too far from the camp, but you guys want to explore a little, I have an idea." Setsuko agreed, a smirk appearing on her deep red lips. "But first, finish your crafts and we'll finish braiding your hair. Tamiko, you're turn!"


"Okay! I talked to Head Counselor Tamotsu, and he said it was okay that you guys explored a little, but you have to follow some rules," Setsuko explained loud enough for the ten girls to hear. "First off, buddy system! Choose your partner wisely, if either Counselor Mai, or myself or anyone else finds you alone, it's kitchen work for you!" She placed her hand on a very large and very orange sign. "You can go as far as you want, but keep a look out for this sign. If you can't see it then you went way too far, blow your whistle and Mai will come to you. Understood?"

The children all nodded their heads in agreement. "Alright! Go!"

The girls scattered with their buddy in tow. Doing what little girls did with their curious minds. Using fallen branches as walking sticks. Looking at the little woodland creatures. Poking the dead ones with their walking sticks and watching the poor thing twitch. You know, the usual girl things.

"They aren't allowed to explore the woods?" Mai's eyes wandered over to her friend next to her, who merely crossed her arms.

"With the disappearances, and the fact that they've been happening more often with three children missing this year alone, Tamotsu-san doesn't want to take chances," she explained, looking at the girls playing, counting heads.

"Right, is it hard making sure the kids don't know?" the two began to walk, supervising the children.

"Of course it is, I don't want them to know just as much as I don't want them to fall victim to Dai or whatever is causing it."

"I see, were any of them in your cabin?" Mai asked, referring to the cabin Setsuko and herself were assigned to counsel.

"Technically, our cabin, and only one, Wakana. She was so sweet, too. And the reason why the lake is closed off. We don't want the other kids to well, you know..." Setsuko looked out toward the kids, not wanting to say the words that were most likely inevitable. "We're missing two. Yui and Itsuko."

A whistle was blown. The girls stopped what they were doing, rushing over to the counselors for guidance. "I'll go find them," Mai offered, trudging through the forest.

"Okay, meet us back at the orange sign!" Setsuko replied, guiding the girls over to the sign.

Mai walked through the trees, scanning the woods for any signs of the brunette and her sun bleached haired buddy. "Yui! Itsuko! If you can hear me follow the sound of my voice! Or blow your whistle!"

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