Chapter 18, Emmys POV

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The next day at school I can't concentrate on any of my subjects. My thoughts are still on yesterday. I just can't believe that Sophie and I are sisters and that Oralie is our mother. Or maybe it's not the truth at all, maybe they're trying to trick me. In any case, I have to tell the Neverseen about it.

I've had two subjects so far today, alchemy and a class for my enhancer ability (which I skipped). And I didn't learn anything, I don't understand why we have these subjects. Still, I did well in alchemy, seems like I'm not a total idiot.

That's probably why I'm a grade above Sophie, so much a tiny talent. I make my way to Elwin, because my urge to know what elixirs Elwin gave Keefe has grown over the day and I admit defeat. I've been trying to find this room for a while, I need to hurry because I don't have forever.

I can only stay away as long as the break lasts. Because as long as everyone eats, nobody will look for me. Oh, there's a statue of a strange animal, it bears a faint resemblance to a bird. I must be in the second year area. And that's where I have to go.

And there's the door to the hospital wing, I knew I could do it, I never doubted myself. Wow, I lie so much that I lie to myself too. Huh, I'm already starting to talk like Keefe. Wow is his favorite word. Wait, where do your thoughts about him come  from? It doesn't matter, I'll go in without knocking. After all, it's an emergency and you never have to knock in such an emergency.

Speaking of the devil. Keefe is sitting on a hospital bed with Elwin next to him. And he's, ugh, shirtless. I stand petrified, he's not that badly built. What that's about?! Leave me alone, my thoughts are lying again.

Keefe pulls me out of my thoughts,,, Na, na, na, it's not nice to stare. But on the other hand, I can understand you. I would do the same if I were you, I mean look at me!" He runs his hands over his body and I roll my eyes and look away. "I see, that's too much at once you have to get used to it"

"Keefe, shut up. Get dressed and go to your Detention", Elwin also looks annoyed, "You two are already late anyway" "How do you know I have Detention too?" I ask him ,,Everyone, who hangs out with Keefe has sooner or later detention. Except for Fitz, he's never had detention before," he enlightens me. I nod and look away as Keefe pulls his shirt on.

Oh no, nothing's going to get me detention, maybe the old method will do some good: "Oh Elwin, actually I've got a terrible stomach ache and I can't. I'm sorry, I was so excited, dancing is one of my favorite hobbies." I hold my stomach theatrically and try to be as believable as possible. I can tell from Keefe's pitying face that it didn't work.

"That needs to look a bit more painful. Make an effort!" Keefe shakes his head. "I'm happy to help!" Ro steps out of the shadows as she slowly pulls a sharp dagger from her pocket. Elwin quickly steps between us and shakes his hands soothingly:,, No! I don't want any more injured patients today! And now get on!"


As we enter the room, the mysterious mentor immediately beams at Keefe and rushes to his side. She takes his armand announces to the whole class, beaming with joy: "Finally we can start! Everyone's here!" She turns to Keefe, "And you're going to be my dance partner." Keefe looks at me with desperate and panicked eyes. I just grin back devilishly. Let him have his fun.

Keefe pulls his arm away and rushes over to me, linking my arm, "Actually, Lady Belva, I'll do with Devil." Shocked, I want to pull my arm away, but he won't let me. Our mentor raises an eyebrow and asks me, "Do you like Keefe?" Um, Ok. ,,Of course not! He's the biggest jerk I've ever seen and will ever see.", I snatch my arm from Keefe and turn to her, "You're welcome to be his partner."

"I've changed my mind. Emmy, you're lucky enough to dance with him." It was probably meant to be a punishment for both of us, but Keefe seemed to enjoy it. I look at her, tormented and pleading, "Why...?" She smiles, "It's detention after all, it shouldn't be that much fun." And she's right about that.


We swing back and forth to the soft beat of the music. Waltz, ugh. There and back, the slow music had a soporific effect and my face was practically lying on his Shoulder. Which was actually quite pleasant, but that was probably because I wasn't fully conscious.

"Devil?" he asks me softly, I can feel his steady breath on my ear and hum back in response. "Why are you so quiet today, not only that your emotions are also a bit tense." I raise my head and ours Faces are only a few centimeters apart, but I didn't care. I look uncertainly into his blue eyes. I don't know if I could trust him. But I'm sure he'll find out soon anyway, because what Sophie knows, the whole troupe knows right away. It's a wonder he doesn't know yet. But the words just wouldn't come out of my mouth no matter what it was.

"It's okay if you don't want to tell me. Worth a try" What happened to that arrogant boy I met? He's so...nice now and it kind of encouraged me.

"Um," I clear my throat and whisper softly in his ear, "Oralie is my mother." Keefe widens his eyes and is silent. But I see it rattling behind its facade. I lay my head back on his shoulder after a few seconds of silence, hearing his heart beating really fast. He takes a few deep breaths and his heart calms down again. There's something soothing about it now that it's beating in the normal beat.

My eyes close and I only listen to his heart, it puts me to sleep. "Is my shoulder really that comfortable?" He releases his arm from my waist and gently brushes one of my strands of hair out of my forehead. I nod and there is silence again, but it wasn't one of those awkward silences, but a pleasant one.

We continue dancing and I feel his hand running up and down my back. Very slowly and tenderly, like he doesn't know if it's okay. I'm half asleep and don't even remember who I'm dancing with, but it felt so right. For me there was no more time and space, just the beating of his heart and his drowsy touch. A loud voice tears me out of my state.

,,That's it for today!! See you tomorrow." What? Where? Detention? Is that today? What day is it? Who am I? Emmy, phew, I remember that. But what was... "Devil!!" Keefe shakes me on my shoulder and looks at me, "We have to get back to class" Class? What class? Oh yeah, I'm in Foxfire.

Even in the last hour, I had questions for beforehand and didn't even know what happened at the end. I shrugged it all off when Sophie joined me. And we went to do a DNA test with Elwin.

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