Chapter three, Emmy's POV

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Crap! Big mighty crap! Taking his abilities was easy, but I haven't thought about the consequences. How could this happen to me? I stare at him, hoping he doesn't realize there's something wrong with me. But it was too late, I could almost see the wheels turning in Keefe's head. It wouldn't be long before he put two and two together. Amid all the confusion, shock and fear, however, I felt a small whiff of curiosity. And that would betray me. My brain was desperately looking for a good solution. But then Keefe said exactly one word, "Sleep" and that changed all his emotions because now all I felt was shock, pure pure shock.

 My initial confusion cleared and I got an answer to my question. Now I knew what Keefe's new ability was. Or at least I had a hunch. "You chose your words poorly." A grin spread across my face. I only needed one word, too: "Forget." I see Keefe's eyes glaze over, at the same time hoping I'm right in my suspicion. I quickly remove my gloves and then grab Keefe's wrist so I wouldn't make that mistake again, I give him his abilities back. Immediately, I feel the great weight lift from my shoulders. And shortly thereafter, Keefe's eyes are back to normal. He blinks a little, then his vision clears and he stares at me:, 'WOW, whatever just happened, it was really weird! Who are you really Emmy DEVIL?' 

"We have to go now," I reply briefly and walk past him with quick steps. When he doesn't follow me, I point to Grandma, who is looking down at us from the window of her apartment. Keefe closes up to me with quick steps and asks me: "Where to and why? I don't even know you!" "To a coffee shop because I'm hungry." I reply curtly. We turn into a larger street, I see my favorite café in the back. The modern yellow building cannot be missed among all the other buildings squeezed together. It looks friendly and inviting, but it was also simple. Just how I like it. I accelerate and head for it, and find Keefe having trouble following me.

 He huffs: "Why should I actually trust you?" He asks me between two steps. "Did you just forget that I saved you from the police?" I ask him back. Keefe looks at me briefly but doesn't seem to find an answer. Shortly afterwards we arrive at the café. I look for a shady spot and settle down on it. Keefe does the same and sits across from me. I look around and realize ALL the girls are staring at him. Typical French girls! I groan and Keefe notices it too. He grins at me. I shout some French insults that I would never say in front of Lady Gisela. The French beauties turned back to their food. "What's there to grin about?!" I snap at him.

 "Na na na, it's not proper for a girl to swear" As I rolled my eyes, a waitress walked up to our table. She, too, stared at Keefe shamelessly. And he grinned even wider, even though it seemed impossible. Anger built inside me and I glared at the waitress, who turned red. "Two cocoas and a portion of apple and cinnamon macarons!" I hissed and left the please out on purpose. The waitress languished at Keefe again, then turned around and got our order. We were silent while we waited. "Okay , you have to answer a few questions for me now," said Keefe and took a sip of the cocoa, he made a disgusted face: "Seriously, what is that please! Humans really can't do anything!"

 I stare at him in shock, then I pull his cup over to me and murmur, "Cocoa is the best thing in the world! And humans can do more than you can." "I bet I can make better cocoa. Is the cocoa the reason why you're here?" "One of the reasons," I answer and take a sip. "Wow, so mysterious. You remind me of a certain person" "If that's the case, why aren't you with the certain person?" I can't help my question and take a bite out of a macaron. I sighed, that really was the best food on earth. "Ah ah, I'll answer your questions when you answer mine?"

 He pulls his cup of cocoa back over to him and takes another sip. His grimace makes me grin, "Why don't we make a deal? I'll answer you three Questions and you answer me three." "Deal" he agrees and shakes my hand "but you've already wasted two." He smiles at me confidently. I grin back:"And now you can answer them" "Okay," he gives in, I grin because, the girls love it so much" "Then apparently I'm not a girl," I reply coolly. "And the second question?" I remind him. "Let's say I need a vacation." I was about to start a sentence, but he quickly interrupted me: "You never said how precise the answer must be. Last question?" I let the air out of my cheeks in resignation: "What abilities do you have?" ,,abilities? plural? How do you know I have several?"

 Inwardly I cursed that mistake, but I tried to cover it up by saying, "That's part of your first question" "Agreed, but first answer my one." I think about it quickly and I got a plausible answer: "I noticed that you are a polygott. And since most polygotts have several abilities, it could be that you have one too." My damn hands grabbed my hair again. Nonetheless, I'm glad I got my rgood answer. He still looks at me a little suspiciously, but he answers my question: "Yes, I'm an empath." I nod, even though I knew that he had another one. But I couldn't talk to him about it without giving myself away. I take another bite of my macaron and wait for his question. And I didn't have to wait long. "Why are you really here?"

 I choke and cough a little clumsily. After all, I couldn't tell him that I was looking for him and Fintan. Especially not with Fintan. So I decided to answer with his method of staying as close to the truth as possible: "I'm looking for a person" Plain and simple, but effective. "Now your third question Mister Sencene" "Lord Sencene if I may ask", he thought for a moment and then asked me: "Why did you save me?" Again that intimidating look that I already knew from Lady Gisela. He was clearly her son. "You just looked like Elf who was in trouble" "You don't know how much trouble I have." He lowers his gaze. I was about to tease him, but decided against it because his expression seemed serious and withdrawn. Instead, I say nicer than before: "That's right, I also have a lot of difficulties. But I've learned to face them and not run away." 

Keefe raised his eyes again and looked at me curiously, he considered for a moment and before long his face lit up with determination. Now I was the one looking curiously. And then he said something that I never expected: "I have to go back to the Lost Cities!"

Emerald green and Ice blueजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें