Chapter five Emmy's POV

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The dark blue eyes of a girl with the wild brown hair looked at me penetratingly. Then everyone fell silent and stared at me. I felt Keefe tense up next to me too, I pushed him aside and stood in front of him then I stuck my chin up and said "I'm Emmy" "She's Emmy Devil you know? Like the Devil" , Keefe tried to cheer up the situation. But he didn't succeed. It's still very quiet, but then a voice rises and says: "That's what she looks like with her red hair." I try to find the voice, but I can't. "I like her red hair." , says Linh, the former exile student. Her twin brother Tam, standing next to her, agreed, "She looks rebellious." "I think it suits her," said another Vacker accent, but this time it was a female voice: Biana Vacker, beauty personified . I was about to open my mouth, but Sophie interrupted me, "Can we stop talking about hair?!" "Too bad, I was about to say how great my hair is, but you all know that," says Keefe and looks smugly at the crowd. Half of everyone present groaned, but I thought it was funny. I would never admit it in front of Keefe though. "Why did you take her with you?" asked the same voice that insulted me earlier.

Dex Dizznee, the son of the bad match. I heard a lot about him, he used his technopathic skills to help Sophie out a lot. Keefe replies, "She doesn't have a home so she was on her knees begging me to bring her here." I raise an eyebrow in disgust and glare at Keefe. He could paraphrase such a situation in a way that suited him and that he was being labeled a hero. But I can also do it: "What really happened: Keefe was getting shouted at by a grandpa for being too dumb to crack a human ATM! And I helped him out and taking me with him was his thanks." "And what did an elf like you do in the human world?" Fitz asks suspiciously. As I'm about to reply, an amber-haired woman I didn't notice earlier interrupts me, "I'm sure "That Keefe and um... Emmy have had a long journey. How about we go inside and I'll fix us some food," she said sweetly. I like her, she was the only one here who didn't judge me by my looks. "Yes, please! I miss the food here, the human world only has gross stuff," Keefe says, grinning at me.

As we walk down the hill, I overhear Keefe talking to everyone about his experiences in the human world. I deliberately let myself fall back a bit so that I can think in peace. I went through my ideas. I had to find a way to gain Sophie's trust, as well as everyone else's, without betraying myself. On top of that, I need to find a way to visit Fintan. And the hardest part: I had to take Keefe to the Neverseen. And I had to explain my plan to Lady Gisela, which of the four things was probably the simplest. If I can find a quiet place to do it. ,,Hi? Are you still with us?" a voice tears me out of my thoughts. I look up and see Biana walking next to me. She's never been so close to me. At least not voluntarily. Biana waved her hand in front of my face. So that I notice the scars on her arm "What happened to your skin?" I ask, startled. She hadn't had those scars the last time. "Oh," Biana said, untouched. "I got them after a fight with the Neverseen. -An evil group of elves," she quickly adds. I nervously swallow the lump that has formed in my throat. And force me to smile sympathetically: "I'm sorry!" Biana waves her hand gracefully: "Oh, don't be so wild! It's all good, but I don't like the sympathetic look people always give me. Besides, it was worth it." I look at her and ask her interested: "Why?" She looks at me proudly: "We captured Fintan."

Before I could react in any way, we had already arrived at the huge house. Up close, it looked even more magnificent than before. "Welcome to Havenfield, Emmy!", the nice woman greeted me. Havenfield, that actually sounded quite nice. While everyone was going in, she turned to me. "By the way, you can call me Edaline," she said with a friendly smile . "Thank you, Edaline," I thanked politely. "So, into the hut with you. "Hut?" I wonder, "That's at least a palace!" Edaline smiles and walks past me.

This "hut" is also simply magnificent from the inside. It was very spacious and beautifully decorated. I quickly looked for the door to the living room,t was easy to find because it couldn't be missed. It was at least ten feet high, but why would you need such a huge door? The answer was right behind it, I ran straight into a muscle-bound body. That must be Sandor "Hello," Sandor growled at me, but it sounded more like a squeak. "Hello?" I answer him and walk past him into the living room. His eyes follow me and he looks like he wanted to search me for weapons. When I get to the couch, I turn back to him. I see how he points to his eyes with two fingers, then at me: "I always have you in my sights." Honestly, that intimidated me a little, but I would never give him the pleasure of knowing that. "Oh, Sandor, stop looking so cuddly!" Keefe addresses Sophie's muscle-bound bodyguard. Fitz immediately directs his suspicions at me: "Okay, now to the important questions: What were you doing in the lost cities?" I look at him briefly, then I sit down demonstratively on the couch before answering his question:,, I was looking for someone." "Keefe?" Sophie asks. I smile: "No, I found him by accident. I'm looking for my father." "And who's that supposed to be?" asks the skinny girl. Seriously, who is that skinny? It felt like she had more bones than flesh. I was about to get the photo of Fintan out of my pocket, but then I change my mind "It doesn't matter" I quickly pull my hand out of my pocket because I realize that everyone is staring at my hand. But to my horror, the photo falls out of the pocket onto the floor. Everyone looks at it for a moment, then Sophie bends down and picks it up before I can. I try to get it out of her hands, but it's too late. Then Biana utters the words that no one wanted to say: "Is that Fintan?"

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