Chapter 17, Emmys POV

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The room went dead quiet and Sophie broke the silence by laughing hysterically. Soon everyone joins Sophie, only I look Mr. Forkle in the eye to see if he's serious. He showed no emotion and looked at the others. I didn't know what to do either. I can't say I'm surprised. My whole life has been full of surprises. And it doesn't end now either.

"Wow," Keefe wiped a tear of laughter from the corner of his eye, "I thought for a moment that you were serious." "I am," his expression remained closed. Alden looked slightly pale while everyone between me and Sophie looked back and forth. They seemed to be looking for something in common. From the look on Fitz's face, I could tell they found none.

Alden cleared his throat, "How... how can that be? I've never heard of a sister. What about you Quinlin?" "No, none of that is in my files," replies the addressee. Mr. Forkle or rather magnate Leto, I'm sure he has more Identities, that I'll find and tell the Neverseen about, sighs and sits down on an empty chair at the table and then says, "Sit down please, that's one longer story."

Everyone follows his request, curious about what he has to tell. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested. "So," Mr Forkle began his speech. I know it's going to be a long story, "You kids know Sophie started out as an embryo created from two DNAs by two different elves." everyone nods in agreement, "and the Black Swan always plays it safe, so we created two. If one doesn't work."

Sophie interrupts the narration, "What if they both survived?" Mr Forkle continues, "Well, we didn't have to worry about that." He pauses briefly, "Because one was stolen." I sigh briefly up and say, "And I guess that's me." Mr Forkle nods in confirmation. "Do you know-" someone begins a question. But at that moment, a loud knock sounded across the room. Someone pounded brutally on the door.

Sophie jumped and Fitz took her hand. This time Sophie even allowed it. Della jumped up from the chair and ran to the door. An angry Sandor stepped through the door. A very angry Sandor. Hectically he looked around and when his gaze fell on Sophie, he walked towards her with brisk steps. He didn't take his eyes off Fitz. "Oh, Gigantor, don't be angry," Keefe tries to lighten the mood. He doesn't succeed, because Sandor glares at Keefe and then turns to Sophie.

"I have every right to do so," Sandor builds up in front of Sophie, "because the person I'm supposed to be watching just ran away again!" Sophie looks down guiltily: "I'm sorry, but we had an emergency here" "And besides, it's all Fitz's fault", Keefe once again defended Sophie. I shouldn't care, but I kinda do.

Della put a reassuring hand on Sandor's upper arm and tried to soothe him, "I'm sorry for my son, we're having an important conversation here and unfortunately Sophie was unavoidable. So he should get her as soon as possible." Sandor snorts, but doesn't say anything more.

Alden asks Mr. Forkle, "Do you know who stole the embryo?" "If I only knew. The only information I have is that it was one of the former collective. He disappeared the same day it was was also stolen."

"But you know your identities of each other," Sophie lets go of Fitz's hand and sits up straight. "Well, not at that time. We didn't trust each other as much then as we do now." "Did you give Emmy the same abilities?" Fitz asks, no longer holding Sophie's hand. "Well, I gave her the same Impenetrable Mind and better control over her skills." "Plus, they gave her the ability to transform, right?",Biana suddenly appears. She had apparently turned invisible before.

"Does Devil have any more such strange abilities? How about laser eyes!! Or or... mind control, super strength, super speed, time control,..." Keefe looked at me enthusiastically, but I stopped his euphoria: "You've definitely watched too many human films." "We'll see about that," says Mr. Forkle mysteriously. "That's not a no!!"

No thanks, my abilities were enough for me. More than that. Biana looks at me curiously, then looks at Mr. Forkle: "But Emmy has the same ability as Sophie. They're both Enhancers." At that word, I hide my hands under the table so no one could see them. "You're forgetting the fact that I can't turn off ordinary abilities. They come when they want."

"That means that, one of your parents, was a telepath or enhancer. Or one was one and the other the other," Fitz looks around proudly. Biana rolls her eyes and replies, "Or they're something similar." I nod, although no one cares, and wonder if Sophie has ever wondered who our parents are. Or even tried to find her.

Quinlin, who hasn't said anything the entire time, says, "That's irrelevant." I turn to Alden, pleading, "Can you please not tell the Council anything?" Alden replies, "I'll tell them what's important for them, nothing more. The most important Information is, no one can get through your blockage." "But they will have questions," I object, and again he tries to reassure me: "There's no reason to worry."

With these words, everyone returns home, including me. Or at least to the place where I stay. I didn't know if I could trust Alden's words, but I tried. During the "family" dinner, I was lost in thoughts, thinking about things I didn't know about myself. However, my train of thought was interrupted when Sophie nudged me and said, "We learned something important today."

She waits for Edaline and Grady's reaction and looks at them both. Edaline immediately pays attention while Grady continues to eat. Edaline pushes her husband lightly but precisely. Grady looks up and mutters, mouth full, "What?" "Grady, could you listen to your daughter?" She looks at him menacingly but firmly. "I always do! So darling what is it?"

She looks at me and takes a deep breath: "Me and Emmy are biological sisters." She waits eagerly for her reaction, and it follows, because Grady starts to laugh. She looks at him hurt: "It's not a joke". Abrupt Grady closes his mouth and Edaline hesitantly asks, "How do you know?" "We're not 100% sure, but Mr. Forkle says we are. Also, we're doing a DNA test at Elwin's tomorrow," answered calmly her question. "Oh," Grady can't think of anything else and that's the end of the conversation. We finished our meal in silence and then Sophie pulled me into her room.

"What's up," I inquire, taking a closer look at her room. It was a lot bigger than mine, taking up the entire third floor. Overall, ours didn't differ much, but hers clearly had more personal belongings. Well," she began, sitting down on the bed. She knocks on the bed next to her and I obey. Like an animal. "Spit it out," I encourage.

She closes her eyes for a moment and says quietly, "Well, I went looking for our parents a few weeks ago. And found one. It's Oralie from the Council." I stare at her in shock, this just couldn't be. The Council, that's what the Neverseen fight all the time and now I have a mother that's there. I get up and leave out of the room on shaky feet. "Do you believe me?" Sophie asks cautiously. "I do," I reply and go to my room. But I don't know what I was really thinking.

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