Chapter eight, Emmy's POV

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The words echoed in my brain. the Mellowmellt got stuck in my throat, making me cough a little awkwardly. I take a long sip from the bottle of youth and tried to suppress my cough. When I've calmed down again, the councilor with the blond ringlets says: "You don't have to worry, the councilor won't hurt you," "I wouldn't be so sure about that," I contradict her. Because if the High Council knew of my ability and my background, I would never be able to see the light of day again.

"Why is that?" Mr. Forkle asks me interested. "If I'm Fintan's daughter...", I state. "Our heritage doesn't determine who we are. I learned that from Sophie" "But it rubs off on us," I mumble softly. I suddenly look around the room with great interest and notice that Grady and Edaline are not in the room. They must have just left, though I didn't notice. Because I was too distracted.

"We'd appreciate it if you could let us know when you'd like to introduce yourself to the Council," Oralie steers the conversation back down the awkward direction. I sit up straighter to look confident and lift my chin. ,,I'm ready"

Oralie and Mr. Forkle look at me puzzled: "Well then, I'll just inform the rest of the Council and then we can start." I nod and try to put on my brave facade, but inside I'm a lump of dirt. let's get it over with"

I stepped out of Havenfield's front door with Mr. Forkle and Oralie, the door slammed shut. And Oralie took out her crystal. Now Mr. Forkle said, 'I have to go now. I have yet to fetch young Mr. Sencen." He stepped away before he could ask why he needed him. Before we stepped into the beam of light, Oralie asked me, "Are you coming?" I looked at the spot where Mr. Forkle was standing and then ask Oralie: "Why does he have to come with me?"

"Because that way he can confirm everything," she replies and then she pulls me into the blue beam of light. The reason was obvious, but not so good for me either. Because that way there is a greater chance of betraying me.

Mysterium. that is written in huge letters on the archway. I actually expected something impressive, but all I saw were gray buildings. a lot of gray buildings. "This way," Oralie whispers to me, pulling me in a certain direction. We go past a gray house, and then another gray house, and surprisingly, we came to a gray house too. That's a very interesting part from the Lost Cities, usually the elves like crystals and brightly colored things. Preferably with lots of glitter, but this area is, very plain. Very, very plain. And grey, especially grey. "In here," Oralie waves me in a gray house. I enter it and see HIM in front of me.

A shock of blond hair with an annoying grin on his face. "Not even 24 hours have passed and you need me again," he remarks and continues to grin. "Need isn't the right word," I grumble more to myself than to him. "Well lovebirds, can you go through? Otherwise we'll be late," Oralie tells us.

I look behind myself because I didn't even notice that I stopped. But actually I stood in the door! Shame overcame me and to cover it up I marched off to the left. My face flushed slightly as I walked past Keefe and he gave me a teasing smile. I doubled my speed when I heard an amused voice behind me: "Wrong direction!"

Shit, I turned on my heel and my face got even redder than before. "Wow, you look like a crab. I can barely see where the hair and face are!"

I stare at him and hiss, "If you can find someone who cares - say hello from me" I smile and walk straight past him.

After a few minutes we arrived at a door. Oralie it pushed forward and licked the wall. "Yuck!" I slip out. No wonder the Neverseen don't use that as a safety precaution. It's just disgusting. Even as we entered the room, I couldn't take the disgusting stare of me.

The room is big and grey, just like the rest of the building. Rat Emery and Rat Bronte stood in the room. Even better! Bronte and Emery are by far the two toughest Councilors, it's going to be really hard to convince them both of me.

"This is Councilor Emery and Councilor Bronte," Oralie introduces them to me. I nod as politely as I can to both of them, and they both nod back. We all sit down at a large table, with the Councilors sitting directly across from me.

 Rat Emery crossed his arms together on the table and looked at me curiously: "You're Emmy, aren't you? "Yes," I answer the question for the thousandth time. "Emmy Pyren?" Rat Bronte continues. "Yes," I try to answer as politely as possible. "Your ability?" "enhancer" I say, raising both my hands to show them my gloves.

"Mother?" It's not the High Councilor's question, it's Mr. Forkle's. Nevertheless, I answer it and ignore the loud intake of breath from the High Councilors: "I don't know her, because I was adopted and Fintan raised me." "That means: Fintan isn't your biological father?" Bronte wants to go back to himself. "Yes, he's my adoptive father. How often?!" I get upset for a moment and then sigh, " any more questions?"

I can feel Keefe's whole body vibrating next to me, like he's stifling a laugh. And I had to stifle a laugh too, because the faces of the councilors were really amusing. "Where do you live?" "I don't have a home, I traveled with Fintan from human city to human city until he was taken from me" The last words I address to the councilors. None of the three seem really sorry, only Keefe took my hand under the table.

Only now did I realize that I was shaking with anger. And that touch made me stiffen for a moment, because I'm not used to that. I claw my hand into his and express all my anger at him. As I let out all my anger-which was really a lot-I see Keefe's face contorted in pain. I give him an apologetic smile and turn my attention back to the High Councilors. Rat Emery seemed to be in telepathic conversation with Oralie and Bronte as he held his temples.

Then they turned back to me. "How are you getting on with your skills?" Emery finally asks. "Having lived with Fintan for all these years, you can pretty much pick something up. So I'd say pretty good!" "You're not humble, but prove it," Bronte concedes. "With pleasure," I withdraw my hand from Keefe and begin my show.

First I let all the empty chairs and the table rise in the air. Now, if the High Councilors thought that was all, then they were wrong. Because now I'm stacking the chairs onto the table, which was still floating. I heard an uff from the High Councilors and a wow from Keefe. My arms were already shaking with tension, but I didn't want to stop. With a grin on my face, I float up to the top chair and sit on it. "Okay, Miss Pyren! That's enough!" Bronte's voice echoes through the room, "you can come down!" "Okay!" I call back. And float back a bit wobbly and let myself slide to the ground, the tower wobbles alarmingly, but then it hits the ground with a loud boom.

Everyone was staring at me and I was kinda too tired to hold their gaze. So I sat down with a soft groan on the chair that was closest. "Well, that was probably a bit more exhausting than you thought!", keefe smiles with an irresistible facial expression. "Try it yourself!", I answer him annoyed.

Keefe starts to reply, but is interrupted by Oralie, "We've come to a decision: you're going to stay in the Lost Cities and visit the Foxfire!"

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