Chapter 14, Emmys POV

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I caught a glimpse of his cobalt blue eyes, he looked just the same as always. Only now his face wasn't perfect anymore, but rather scratched and he looked pale. I remembered the times we trained together. He was always the first to arrive and the last to leave the training room. We had never been close friends, but we weren't enemies either. I don't know why he was kicked out, I wasn't really shocked and I never looked into it further.

When I ventured a second look, he was gone again. I felt a warm breath on the back of my neck, and goosebumps immediately covered my whole body. "Are you alright, Devil?" Keefe stood behind me. "Uh yeah, I'm always alright," I reply faster than I intended, combing my hair with my fingers.

Keefe gave me a confused look but said nothing. "What are you doing there?" Ro looks at both of us and raises an eyebrow. Keefe immediately takes a step back so there is some distance between us again. Ro looked back and forth between the two of us and suddenly her face lights up:,,Ah, did you find a new one? Wasn't blondie good enough anymore?"

,,Him and me??! Never! he's the biggest idiot the world has ever seen!", in my head it was unimaginable, we are just too different. Although...he has beautiful eyes and hair...and-STOP! I have to take him to lady Gisela and I can't allow myself any distractions.I repeat the sentence over in my head until I believe it.

"Can we start?" Biana joins us and looks at me questioningly. "Yes, of course, but... uh, how does this work??" I ask uncertainly and look around. ,,Are you serious?! We just talked about it all the time and you don't know how it works?!" The ogress defends me, but not in the way I expected: "She had better things to do." She grins knowingly at Keefe and at me.

I hold her knowing gaze and ask myself, "Can we start now?" Because that with Keefe and me was nothing and will never be something. Ro could talk as much as she wants, it wouldn't do any good anyway. "I thought you don't know how it works", Fitz looks at me suspiciously.

I feel caught and say, "Yeah, but you can explain it to me while playing...", "I'm sure Keefe will be happy to take on the task," Ro winks at me when no one looks, but the truth is they all did. I look back grimly and wish I could just kill her with my eyes.

Keefe decided to explain the rules to me now. Apparently I was on a team with him and our task was to choose a base and defend it. While the two are trying to touch the base, we have to find and catch the two. Then we would win, if we don't succeed then lose. Sounds easy enough.

"To make it a little more exciting," Keefe gave us all a devilish grin and everyone groaned. "If the vackers lose, I'll dye your hair and you'll have to walk around with it for a week!" Biana gives a worried squeak and touches her hair in concern, she was clearly against it. Fitz, on the other hand, looked steadily at Keefe: "Oh, I had cactus green hair before, it can't get any worse! But if we win, then we can decide what you wear for a week."

Biana rubs her hands, she has already forgotten her hair: "I'll have a lot of fun." "I don't doubt it," I say, slightly worried. "You've got to win for that, and it won't be easy against Devil," Keefe leans down to me, "and I know you have a few tricks up your sleeve." I ram my elbow into his stomach, "Forget it!" "Oooh, that's not how you treat your boyfriend, little devil!" says Ro, glancing at Keefe calmly as he flinches in pain.

I smile sweetly at Ro and repeat the movement, this time harder. And again Keefe's wailing scream. "Now don't cry! It wasn't even that hard!" "I know, but I love to get pity and attention," he points to Biana, who is actually looking worried. I sigh and mumble, "You always get those anyway." "What did you say?" Fitz asks, looking at me. "Nothing!" I murmur quickly again and see Keefe grin.


"Are we really going to take this hiding spot?" I frown in wonder, looking at a rock in the middle of an open space. This base is super easy to find. "You know, sometimes the most obvious hiding places are the most inconspicuous." , he looks arrogantly at the narrow stone. I nod, not quite understanding his logic. If they find the base, they will immediately see the stone and won't even have to look for it.

"Well, I'll go look for them and you can stay here. Not necessarily in your actual form..."

Out of reflex, I put a gloved hand over Keefe's mouth and whisper, "Don't talk about it so loud!" He takes my hand and pulls it away from his mouth, "Believe me, if anyone overhears us, they'll find this more obvious than that!" I feel shame rising in me, but I push it away and focus on the stone next to me.

Shortly thereafter, Keefe runs off and leaves me alone, I lean against the stone and wait impatiently for something. Anything, any signs that I can do something too. Time flies and I hear and see nothing. Nothing and again nothing. Apparently, Keefe's theory turned out to be true. Because nobody showed up.

Suddenly I hear a noise nearby, I get up in a flash and walk towards it. I expect Biana to show up, but it's not Biana who does. It's her brother, but it's not Fitz, it's Alvar.

He grabs me and covers my mouth so I can't scream. He waits for me to calm down and then takes his hand away. "Damn it, Ivy, what are you doing here!?" "The better question is, what are you doing here?!" I stare at him in shock and see how emaciated and dirty he is. "We can't talk in the pasture where one can see us at any time. Let's go to the trees." His voice is hollow with fear.

I agree with him and we walk away, somehow knowing he can't hurt me. He wasn't a strong opponent before, I've always won against him and it would be even easier in his condition. And I'm sure he knew. "Now tell me, why are you here? are you spying again?? Did you find Fintan?"

"No and no again", I answer patiently: "And why are you here?" He lifts one of his skinny fingers: "First me, then you! Do the Neverseen know you're here?" "Yes, I was sent here by Lady Gisela herself," I raise my head to project my authority, not particularly convincing I see, "and now me. What are you doing here, I thought you were dead?!" "Disappointed or happy about it?" ,,Neither of them. Now answer me!" I'm still trying to show my authority, but again I can't.

He sighs and replies, "I was betrayed by Fitz, my own brother, and now I'm awaiting my slow death. And since I didn't know a better place, I just stayed here." "Isn't that a bit obvious?" I look at him coolly, I didn't feel sorry. "Not at all, the area is so big that no one will find me here, and I also have a small hut here. The gnomes built one for me, and they protect me, knowing I can't hurt anyone anymore."

He points down at himself, "I mean look at me! Oh, before I forget, don't trust any of them. They get your trust first and then leave you cold. Maybe they're trying to kill you too." I swallow hard and try to keep my cool facade up: "Don't worry, nothing will happen to me. I'll just do my job and then go" "Well, then you should go now , otherwise the others will wonder where you are"

I nod and turn around, but he calls my name again and I turn around, "Hmm?" "Can I trust you not to tell anyone about me?" "Of course, I'm many things but not a monster." "I'm sure you can be a monster too," he alluded to my ability, but I didn't reply. Instead, I march back and meet Keefe, Biana, and Fitz in front of me.

Apparently the game was already over, I look at Keefe, who looks angry. "I guess we lost?" Keefe nods "And we won!", Biana dances triumphantly around the stone and sticks her tongue out at him. Fitz looks satisfied: "Where were you Emmy? When we got here, you weren't there. And where are you did you come frome right now?

Hi guys!

We haven't really properly introduced ourself  in this story so, yeah, sorry about that. But the reason is, the english version is not the original one. We write German chapters and then translate them. So if our writing is trash you know why. Also we use google translate (We do go over it before post it!) and it's not exactly a poet or anything.But let us know if there is anything we should change and we will try to improve. (also do you want a note at the end of a chapter or not?)

One last thanks to all of you and Goodbye!

your Kotclovers

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