No, in the end, the red head was much more worried about the apparent relationship between Yelena and Barton that had cropped up after that.

"When did Yelena and Clint hook up then? Straight after all that happened? I thought you said he made it home for Christmas?"

"Yes Ms. Romanoff, Mr. Barton did indeed make it home to the farm and his family for Christmas."

By this point, Peter is sure he can detect a note of mischievous amusement in Friday's digital voice. Only because he knows her so well is he sure that she's fucking with them in SOME way. Natasha doesn't have enough experience with the AI on a personal level to realize it, or so he assumes. Still, even as the red head's brow furrows and she opens her mouth to speak again, they're arriving at their destination.

The sound of gunfire startles Natasha out of her single-minded pursuit of answers, as they arrive to see two women doing battle with a bunch of gangsters in... well, tracksuits of all things. There are guns and melee weapons abound, but from the look of things, the women are actually doing rather well for themselves. One of them, dressed in all black and wielding a pistol and her fists with equal lethality, had to be Yelena Belova, Natasha's beloved sister.

The other though, was a mystery to Peter, an even younger woman in purple and black with raven locks done up in a ponytail. And the kicker? She was wielding a bow of all things. A bow and arrows, which admittedly were incredibly accurate in her hands.

"Drop me!"

Natasha's order comes with such conviction and determination that Peter is following her command before he even really registers the words, He drops her and the super spy plummets, only to land on the shoulders of one of the guys in Tracksuits. She doesn't hesitate to disable him, even as Peter finishes swinging in and takes out another.

The battle was already in the favor of Natasha's sister and the mysterious archer, to be fair. They were engaging with not-so-overwhelming numbers and ultimately coming out on top in a big way even before Peter and Natasha arrived. But with reinforcements? With two becoming four?

Yeah, they tackled the rest of the tracksuits with ease, and soon every enemy was unconscious, webbed, and disarmed.

It was a mark of their professionalism, Peter supposed, that it's not until the fighting is done that Natasha and Yelena end up face to face. The latter had to have noticed the former earlier than this, but she'd not let it get in the way of her kicking some serious ass. Now though? Well, the fighting was over with...


The beautiful blonde looks like she's seen a ghost. Natasha, meanwhile, is as nervous as Peter has ever seen her, smiling uncharacteristically tepidly as she very subtly shifts from foot to foot.

"Hey 'lena. Sorry I didn't call earlier, but I was a little indisposed."

There's a moment... and then Yelena Belova all but lunges forward. Peter is expecting a hug... so the punch to Natasha's face comes out of left field for him. Not so much for Natasha however, but even though he realizes belatedly she saw it coming, the red head takes it anyways. She lets Yelena punch her, and as the blonde grabs her by the collar and gets ready to do it again, she's completely passive while her sister screams in her face.


Realizing that Natasha isn't going to defend herself for whatever reason, Peter jumps in before Yelena can throw the second punch.

Peter Parker's New Groove  by CambrianBeckett  Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora