War, Tolerance and Peace

Start from the beginning

"And it was your watch."

"Well, it was the closest thing I had. I was going to keep it in my wallet, but I figured I'd look at it more often if it was in my watch." She scoffed as her cheeks turned red and he smiled.

"Let's get some breakfast." He nodded.

"Alright." Theseus guided her towards the subway station, they went all the way from Manhattan to the Lower East Side. After a quick ride, they walked down the streets until he found a bakery that he really liked. "I think you'll like this place." She looked at the glass window and saw a man inside, as well as the letters on the glass. Kowalski Quality Baked Goods. A smile quickly drawn onto her face. Amélie looked at Theseus and he smiled back at her before opening the door for her to step inside. The place smelled like deliciously freshly baked bread and cinnamon. The scent of childhood if you ask Amélie or Jacob. "He opened it few months after you and Newt were gone from the city." He said as they waited in line. There were only two customers before them.

"How do you know?" He shrugged and she scoffed.

"He told me. Not the way I just phrased it, but he told me." She looked at him with curiosity. "When I arrived at the city, I walked around and patrolled. That's when I came across this building. Newt mentioned him a couple times and I remembered the name, I walked in and enjoyed a nice conversation with him, as well as an Occamy Pretzel." She giggled as he kept his hands in the pockets of his coat with a smile. He chuckled too. "Highly recommend. Or if you are in the mood for something sweet he'd tell you to try the Demiguises or a classic cinnamon roll." Another melodic laugh from Élie.

"I'd like something salty, actually." The customers were gone, and they were the next ones in line.

"Then you'd like the Occamy Pretzel." Said Jacob with a laugh and a smile. Amélie looked at Theseus briefly and he shrugged with a smile. "Don't ask me where the names come from, Miss, that's a secret." She turned her face and Jacob's smile dropped only a little with surprise. "Miss French Witch." Élie chuckled again.

"Hello, Jacob." She greeted him.

"Hello." He looked at Theseus. "Mister Scamander."

"Mister Kowalski." Theseus greeted him back as they shook hands. "How have you been?"

"Well, you know." He chuckled as he shrugged. "I'm glad to see you both."


"Well, what can I do for you? What can I get you?"

"I'll take the pretzel." Said Amélie, Jacob nodded.

"It'll be two of those, actually." Said Theseus.

"Right away." Jacob got the pretzels on separate bags.

"Very impressive." Rosier commented. "I love the designs." Jacob smiled.

"Thank you, Amélie. I'm glad." They smiled at each other. "Hey, uh...while I am glad to find you here...you guys are Aurors. Should I be worried?" Élie and Thes exchanged looks. "I should be worried."

"No, no, no. It's all under control." Said Theseus. Jacob nodded. "Do you live nearby Times Square, by any chance?"

"No, I do not."

"Good. Good. Well, while everything is under control, avoid that area until we tell you."

"Right, well, that's not not concerning at all." Kowalski said sarcastically. "What will happen?"

"We're not sure yet." Said Amélie. "Just, avoid the area. And tell your peers to do the same if they can."

"This is Grindelwald related, isn't it?" Their silence was enough answer, Jacob sighed. "Well, I won't be there, and I'll spread the word. Thank you."

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