Chapter 8: Incoming attack:part 2

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After the scenario of everyone facing and got chased grimm as making them gather up.

So,as anyone was thinking....two big problems that was on trigger as myself steering DeathStalker while it sped up destroying everything on its path...tell you guys what? Bad idea...but,if you managed to steer rampaging monsters/creatures....its a score point of yours.

"Did your sister...just fall from the sky?" Girl with black bow said.

"I-" Yang said.

"Yeehaw! aw...i broke it" Orange hair girl said.

"D-did that girl...just ride on ursa?"
Girl with bow said.

"I-" yang said.

"Nora,please....dont ever do that again" Ren said.

"Ooo,would ya look at that..."Im the queen of the castle!" Nora said as picked rook chess piece. "And ren,you can be the king" she added.

"Whatever..." ren replied with smile on his face.

"Boop" nora booped ren's nose.

"Not that way,not that way!" A person voice echoed.

Pyrrha emerges from the forest as deathstalker chasing her with Zen who is steering the grimm to make it stop chasing pyrrha down.

"This is son of a cheesecake really dont know when to quit..." zen said.

"Did she just run all the way here with a person steering deathstalker on her tail?" girl with black bow asked.

"Jaune!" pyrrha said.

"Zen! pyrrha!" jaune said as he still stuck on tree after getting launched by death stalker.

"W-whoa" Ruby said as she get on her knees then jumped down from tree.

"Ruby!" jaune said.

"Ruby?" yang said just as ruby landed.

"Yang!" ruby said.

"Zen! whatever you do...keep steering it" pyrrha said as she kept running while dodging.

"Grr....I CANT IT ANYMORE! COULD EVERYONE CHILL OUT FOR TWO SECONDS BEFORE SOMETHING CRAZY HAPPENS AGAIN?!" yang said as her lilac eyes is red that she almost exploded.

"Um...yang?" ruby said as points at sky.

"How could you leave me?!" white hair girl said while still tugging something.

"I did said jump" ruby said.

"She is gonna fall" girl with black bow said.

"She'll be fine.." ruby said.

"Ah,she's falling..." ren said.

Jaune stand on his feet on tree branch as he noticed white hair girl gonna fall then he jumped to catched her as a result...jaune and white hair girl fall together as he landed first as he be her cushion.

"my hero..." she said as she checked her nails.

"My...back" jaune said.

"Pyrrha,look out!" I said to pyrrha as keep steering deathstalker.

Pyrrha got thrown towards the others by deathstalker.

"Great,the gang is all we can die together..." yang said.

"Not if i can help it" ruby sprints towards deathstalker as zen tried to keep deathstalker stand still.

"Ruby,wait!" yang said.

I noticed ruby speeding up towards deathstalker.

"Ruby! What the heck are you doing?!" i yelled.

I saw ruby fired deathstalker then got whacked to make her knocked back.

"D-dont totally fine.." ruby said.

"Run you idiot! This shadow crap still angry!" i yelled.

As i saw ruby on her foot running then ive heard a loud screeching mixed with roaring as ive turned around and saw nevermore.

"You gotta be kidding we got another problem....Ruby,look out!" i yelled in warning.

Nevermore fired its shadowy festhers as the shadowy feathers scatter everywhere as makes ruby's cape stuck.

"Ruby,get out of there!" yang yelled.

"Im trying!" ruby said.

"Crud..." i swore.

Deathstalker is in front of ruby as it prepare to attack.

"Ruby!" yang yelled.

All of sudden i saw deathstalker had ice on its pincher and tail.

"You're so childish..." white hair girl said.

"Weiss?" ruby said.

"And dont even get me started on your fighting style...and i suppose...i can be a bit difficut" weiss said.

I warps beside the deathstalker then walked to ruby and weiss had conversation.

"But if we're going to do this...we are going have to do this together,if you quit trying to show off...maybe ill be...nicer.." weiss said.

"im not trying to show off,i want you to know i can do this" ruby replied.

"you're fine..." weiss added.

"She is right about one thing....dont act reckless next time" i said then poked her forehead.

"I-ill try...." ruby replied.

Zen makes his way to others as ruby saw deathstalker is stuck as yang rushed to ruby then gave her a hug.

"So happy you're okay" yang said.

"We gotta move...pick a relic then head back to cliff" i said to others.

"Uh...guys,that thing is circling back and forth....what are we going to do?" jaune said while points nevermore at sky.

"Our objective is right infront of us" weiss said.

"She is right...our mission is to grab an artifact and make it back to the cliffs" ruby said.

"Everyone here is friends...there is no point fighting towards each other for these things" i added.

"Run and live...thats an idea i can get behind" jaune said.

"Bud,nevermore and deathstalker wont leave us alone...if we dont eliminate it" i said to jaune as pat his shoulder.

"You're right,zen..." jaune replied.

"Time we left" Ren said.

"Right,lets go" ruby said.

Ruby and others sprint forward as yang glance at her.

"What is it?" girl with black bow said.

"Nothing" yang replied as joined the others.

Rwby: The Grimm HunterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon