Chapter 1:The Beginning

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In the world of remnant,Where legends and ancients were told. Some of the stories were made up and some were real. But,What is the truth behind all of those fairy tales?

-At Forest of vale-

A person with robot wolf was running as fast they can in the forest as Grimm named Goliath was chasing them.

"HOW ON EARTH THEY DIDNT TOLD US THERE IS A GOLIATH GRIMM!!!!!!" he said as he kept ran as fast he can,so does his robot wolf companion.

"Information,It seems like this grimm is not gonna give us a break even though we tried to juked it"The robotic wolf said as he kept running with his 4 metal paws.Then both of them jumped on tree log.

Okay,i know everyone was thinking....why is there a goliath grimm chasing a guy with his robot wolf companion? well then...i will introduce how we get to that part....

-4 hours ago-

Zen and his robot wolf companion was on contract of clearing pack of beowolves

"okay, sure this is the right way leads us to beowolves pack?" zen asked alpha

"Positive,ive had detected grimm signs a lots in this forest" he said as we both keep roaming around the forest.

"Noted to those words,and remind me to run if spotted terrible" zen said again

"Roger,ill patrol follow" alpha said as leaped from ground to tree branch to tree branch as zen followed alpha on trails at below.

-later at beowolves pack hideout-

zen and alpha peeks the grimm from the bushes

"Okay,guess what they said was right,had any ideas,alpha?" zen asked alpha while glanced at him.

"I suggest we use our first combat tactic,stealth and attack" alpha said.

"Well then,good plan...." zen said as he used his semblance phantom to make his way eliminate beowolves pack so does alpha.

-after a while,zen and alpha managed to clear the contract-

I was stretching myself up after eliminating grimm as i relaxed my body then i noticed suspicious gigantic cave enterence

"alpha,you're seeing this?" zen said to alpha with curiosity tone.

"Scanning,Warning...grimm sign detected..." alpha said.

"Note to those words...lets go before it sees us...if we stay here any longer it would be bad idea..." zen said with careful tone

"Roger" he said as he followed him then alpha and zen heard grimm roar as the creature emerged from shadow of the cave enterence as the grimm revealing itself.

"Oh,fish....." his words was speechless and shock at same time.

"Warning,We cannot fight this grimm with our spare energy right now...i suggest we run" alpha said.

"I agree with yo-" zen stopped talk all of sudden as the grim saw them as it running towards them. "cheesecake,WE GOTTA GO!!!!" he yelled as alpha and him on their legs running away from the grimm through the forest.

-back to present-

and thats how goliath grimm chased alpha and i throughout the forest...wanna know what happen next?

Zen and alpha jumped from the log as goliath rams it through as zen and alpha kept running forward
until them both reached the forest hill.

"crud....dead end.." zen said as  heard goliath grimm roar in distance as it keep running towards him and alpha.

"Zen,activate your full semblance" alpha said.

"are you sure this is a good idea?" he said to alpha while glance at him.

"i know you can do it" alpha said.

"Okay,ill try what i can do..." zen took a deep breath then walk forward a bit as he grip firm on carmine-v scabbard as he readied himself to do the most dangerous skill of him then his left eye ignites blue flame as his black hair turned into white as he concentrate himself towards goliath who was rushing towards them nonstop.

"りゅじのい(ryujinoi)" he unsheathed his samurai look like sword then strikes Clusterstorm void slash as managed to kill goliath in a blink of an eye as goliath vanished after the amazing attack.

My breath released lots of thick smoke after the attack then took a deep breath as my white hair changed back to original colour black

"guess i did it..." zen said as he catched his breath.

"Information,your aura is fading cuz of your semblance usage...i suggest you had to take a rest" alpha said.

"noted to that....guess new journey start as i attending on any combat school.." zen said with smile on his face.

"That is gonna be impressive,zen...for now,i suggest we return back then head home" alpha said.

"got it,thats what im thought also" zen said as he flexes himself to get ready for tomorrow.

writer note: i cant thank you very much to write this rwby x oc fanfiction and for everyone can read.I hope you enjoy this story.

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