He knew! Of course, he fucking did!

In response, I simply narrowed my eyes at him before turning my head back to concentrate on the trail ahead, trying to ignore the Orc riding beside me. A large flock of birds suddenly flew past us and I let myself focus on that instead, thinking it strange that they would be flying east at this time of year.

Shifting his attention to Izara, Khagra asked, "How are you feeling? Are you up for some sparring again tomorrow?"

Over the last couple of days, my best friend had taken it upon himself to teach Izara a few things, trying to help her enhance her fighting capabilities. Not that she would need it since she was safe within the castle walls. But after seeing Khagra training one of the younger Orcs, Izara had been interested in learning some of our sword-handling techniques.

Unknowing to both of them, I hid within the shadows of the pillars and watched as Khagra showed Izara a few new moves.

To her credit, she was a fast learner, and I had found myself impressed by her willingness to try new things. Clearly Dura had not been exaggerating when she said that Izara was the perfect student. She did not waver under pressure and took each criticism with a nod, eager to correct her form.

Whenever Khagra would knock her down on her ass, Izara would not falter in immediately getting back up, quickly resuming her stance to charge at him once more. The determination on her face alone was enough to heat my blood, and I would find myself getting aroused while I watched them spar.

Izara must have told Khagra a joke for his laugh filled the air around us.

When his mirth died down, he said, "This is where I leave you two, I'll see you back at the castle later tonight."

"Be safe!" Izara exclaimed, her body turning slightly as she waved at him.

"For you, always," Khagra replied with a wink, before he sped off in the opposite direction.

Ignoring the jealousy that swirled within me, I gripped the reigns tighter, urging Gnarg onward. The Vharg enthusiastically howled before taking off in a run that soon turned the nearby trees into a green blur before he then slowed down again, allowing us to take in everything around us.

After a few minutes of silence, Izara asked, "Can we take the mountain pass near the Black Forest?"

Frowning slightly, I enquired, "That's a bit of a detour, why do you want to go there?"

"There are some herbs that Dura was telling me about, I wanted to see if I could get some to surprise her with. A thank you for her assistance in helping me prepare for Sigorim's grave."

As thoughtful as her gesture seemed, it was somewhat reckless.

Trying my best not to move my body, I probed, "You are aware that there have been fae sightings in that area, no?"

Nodding, she turned her head slightly so that her eyes could look into mine as she replied, "Yes, but I know that you'll protect me..."

I huffed out a response, hating the way my chest swelled with pride.

Even though I had been nothing but cruel to her, it would seem that Izara still trusted me with her life. This caused me to once again question her sanity as well as my own, since I was considering indulging in her little side quest.

"You know that this means we won't return to the castle until tomorrow morning, right? You'll need to dig your own hole to shit in, I won't do it for you," I stated, hoping to deter her.

But I should have known better for Izara simply chuckled at my words.

"I'd not have asked you to, I can dig my own hole if you must know and I'm quite capable of spending a night or two in the forest by myself thank you very much."

Fated To The Orc KingWhere stories live. Discover now