Chapter 9

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Before they could go into the mall, Kenji held Guy's arm. Guy paused and looked at Kenji with an eyebrow raised. "Um, I'm nervous." He spoke with his head down.

Guy furrowed his brow. "Why are you nervous? Are you planning something?"

"N-no. No, it's not that. I just..." He let go of Guy's arm. "Nevermind. I'm being weird." Guy shook his head and got out of the car. Kenji followed. He made sure to always stay close to Guy, close enough to the point where he almost wrapped his hands around Guy's arm again. He held his pinky though.

"Why are you being so clingy recently?"

"I'm sorry, I'm just really nervous right now. I've never been around so many people since the orphanage. It's unsettling." Guy chuckled a little with an eyebrow raised.

"What, you're shy now?"

"I'm not. It's just that I've never had any non-bad experiences with crowds. They remind me of the past." Guy's smile immediately disappeared.

They went to a few shops to buy Kenji proper clothes. Guy bought Kenji something to eat after a while of shopping. He only watched Kenji eat. They left the mall after Kenji got his ice cream. Right before they got into the car, Guy's phone started ringing.

"Get in first." Kenji nodded and got into the car. "Yeah?" He answered the call.

"The stuff's here."

"Alright. Send the trucks to the route I'm going to send you."

"Got it."

He hung up. Guy got into the car and sent V the route that they'll take. "What's wrong?" Kenji asked softly after seeing how serious Guy's face turned.

"Put your seatbelt on." Kenji did as told even though he felt uneasy. They left the mall. "I'm taking you with me to one of our warehouses." Kenji immediately got tense and held onto his seatbelt tightly. "You'll be fine as long as you do exactly as I say." He nodded but still showed signs of nervousness.

"A-a-are you going to sell me?" Guy furrowed his brow.

"No. This doesn't relate to you." Kenji sighed, relieved that he'll be staying with Guy even longer. "Just do exactly what I say and we'll be home soon."

'Home. He said home. Does that mean it's our home?' Kenji thought to himself while blushing.

"Why are you suddenly smiling?"


Guy shrugged it off and sped out of the parking lot. Once they entered the freeway he noticed that a white car had been following them since they left the mall. He kept his calm and made sure to keep an eye on the car. "I need you to listen to me right now." Guy spoke while keeping his eye on the car behind them. "I want you to use the screen to call the first contact on the list." He did as told. After a few rings someone picked up.

"Brother." Fang answered.

"Where the f*ck are you?"

"Right behind you."

Five trucks showed up a second later. They surrounded the car Guy and Kenji were in. One went to the front.

He sped up just enough for one truck to get behind him and in between him and the car that was following them. He then sped up while the truck behind him slowed down a little to make space for the other truck to get in front of him. The car tried changing lanes to keep an eye on Guy but the truck on the left-hand side blocked his view. He tried the right-hand side but it was still the same. The person honked their hooter out of frustration.

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