Chapter 8

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A few hours later after Guy went to bed, Kenji decided to make him something to eat since he slept away most of the day. When he saw that Guy wasn't getting up he decided to do something he's never done before: go into Guy's room and try to wake him up.

He stood up from the kitchen chair and went to Guy's room. He first knocked three times to check it he had woken up already or not. After not getting a response he tried the door handle, it opened. He peaked inside first. He saw Guy laid down on the bed with the sheet covering his lower half while he had nothing on on the upper half.

He swallowed hard before tip toeing in. He cautiously approached Guy who slept as if he was dead. There's literally no sound of breathing coming from him. Kenji carefully placed his hand on Guy's arm and tried to softly shake him. Guy's eyes immediately shot open. He held Kenji's hand, sat up then choked him with his other hand. "Ack!" Kenji gagged. He held onto Guy's hand that was around his neck.

"What the hell are you doing?" He asked furiously while glaring at Kenji who was having trouble breathing because of Guy's tight grip on his neck.

"ACK! F-f-food-" He tried to inhale but it was hard. His face started to redden.


"I m-m-made you f-food!" He tried his very best to loosen Guy's grip but it did nothing. "Air!" He forced to say. Guy realized what he was doing and immediately let Kenji go. He fell down while gasping hard which lead to him coughing. Guy only stared at him. He got out of bed as Kenji stood up.

"Why'd you do that? I could've seriously hurt you."

"S-sorry." He spoke before coughing again while holding his neck. "It's just that you've been sleeping for so long, I thought you might be hungry." Guy stared at the bruise that was starting to show on Kenji's pale neck. "I'll leave then." Kenji hurried out of Guy's room. Guy stared at him until he shut the door. He sighed before heading into the bathroom.

When he came out of his room he found Kenji pouring himself some juice. The bruise was more visible by then. Guy couldn't stop staring at it and feeling bad about it while he poured himself a glass of cold water. "What are you doing?" Kenji suddenly yelled at him while taking the bottle away from his hand. He realized that the water had overflowed and went all over the counter and floor.

He stepped back while Kenji wiped the water off the counter. "You got water all over the counter." Kenji complained and gently pushed Guy away from the puddle on the floor. He went and got a mop.

"I'm sorry." Guy suddenly spoke softly causing Kenji to freeze and face him, surprised. "About the bruise." Kenji's eyebrows raised. He's never heard Guy apologize to him before. It was always questions or commands. Guy left with his overflowing glass of water and went to the balcony, spilling some of the water a little.

He kept on staring at Kenji while he cleaned the floor. He'd realize what he was doing and stop but then do it again without realizing. A call from V snapped him out of it. "Yeah." He answered.

"Webster's back. He'll be in town in a few days."

"Alright. I'll deal with it. For now, just get everything else ready for next week."

"Got it."

He hung up. He sighed before glancing at Kenji who was struggling because of his finger. Even though it was healing pretty well it still hurt when he put pressure on it.


A few days later, Guy left his apartment to go on a solo operation. He picked up the twin from the main building then headed out of town. He went to the road Webster will be taking to get back to town. He set up his CheyTac M200 Intervention rifle a little further away from the road in a hidden spot. He then waited for the perfect time to send the twin out to the road.

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